
Mean-Field-Model Development for Void Formation in SAC305-Solder Bumps. Huber, A. (2024). doi: 10.34901/

Materials science-based guiledlines to develop robust hard coatings, Mayrhofer, P. H., Helmut, C., Fischer, F. D. in print Prog. Mater Sci., 2024.

On the Coupling of Hamilton’s Principle and Thermodynamic Extremal Principles, K. Hackl, J. Svoboda, F.D. Fischer, J. (2024) Mech. Phys. Solids, 187, 8p., 105633.

A note concerning some aspects for application of a thermodynamic extremal principle (TEP) for continua, F. D. Fischer, G. A. Zickler, K. Hackl, J. Svoboda, (2027) Acta Mech, 235, 3309-3312.

Dissolution of oxide particles in multi-component slags governed by diffusive and convective fluxes, Ogris, D. M., Michelic, S., Gamsjäger, E., (2024) Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 55 3451-3463.

Extended Regression Analysis for Debye–Einstein Models Describing Low Temperature Heat Capacity Data of Solids, Gamsjäger, E., Wiessner, M., (2024) Entropy, 26, 452.

Multiscale in-situ observations of the micro- and nanostructure of a PH 13-8 Mo maraging steel during austenitization,Rosenauer, A., Brandl, D., Ressel, G., Hönigmann, T. , Stadler, M., Turk, C., Gammer, C., Wiessner, M.,Gamsjäger, E., Stockinger, M., Schnitzer, R., (2024) Materials Characterization 208, 113554.

Numerical treatment of reactive diffusion using the discontinuous Galerkin method. Flachberger, W., Svoboda, J., Antretter, T. et al. (2024), Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 36, 61–74.

Finite element investigation of packing rings. Ruetz, M. (2023). doi: 10.34901/

Fully coupled segregation and precipitation kinetics model with ab intio input for the Fe-Au system, Scheiber, D., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D., Böhm, H. J., Romaner, L. (2023) Acta Mater., 244. 118577, 11p.

A note on maxima and minima of dissipation in context of treatment of irreversible thermodynamic systems by application of Extremal Principles. J. Svoboda, K. Hackl, F.D. Fischer, (2023) Scripta Mater., 233, 5p., 115519.

Cyclic Solid-Liquid Phase Transformations in the CaO–SiO 2 System—Experiments and Modelling”, Ogris, D. M., Kircher, V., Gamsjäger, E., (2023) Metall. Mater. Trans. 54B (2023) 1555-1564.

Finite element analysis of polymer based cylinder rings of piston compressors. Ruetz, M. (2022).

On shape forming by contractile filaments in the surface of growing tissues, Fratzl, P., Fischer, F. D., Zickler, G. A., Dunlop., J. W. C. (2022) PNAS Nexus, 2, 1-9.

Generalization of classical Hillert’s grain growth and LSW theories to a wide family of kinetic evolution equations and stationary distribution functions, Svoboda, J., Zickler, G. A., Kozeschnik, E., Fischer, F. D. (2022) Acta Mater, 235, 118085.

Evolution of chemically induced cracks in alkali feldspar: thermodynamic analysis, Abart, R., Petrishcheva, E., Habler, G., Sutter, C., Fischer, F.D., Predan, J., Kegl, M., Rammerstorfer, F. G., (2022) Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 49:14, 1-15.

Strain and Interface Energy of Ellipsoidal Inclusions Subjected to Volumetric Eigenstrains- Shape Factors, Böhm, H. J., Zickler, G. A., Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., (2022) Archive of Applied Mechanics, 92, 405–411.

Thermodynamic trapping and diffusion model for multiple species in systems with multiple sorts of traps, Leitner, S., Ecker, W., Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., (2022) Acta Mater., 233, 1179402022:1-10.

Numerical Treatment of Oxide Particle Dissolution in Multicomponent Slags with Local Gibbs Energy Minimization, Ogris, D. M., Gamsjäger, E., (2022) Steel Res. Int. 2200066; DOI: 10.1002/srin.202200056

Role of Elastic Strain Energy in Spheroidal Precipitates Revisited, Böhm, H.J., Zickler, G.A., Fischer, F.D., Svoboda, J., (2021) Mech. Mater., 155, 103781.

An atomistic view on oxygen, antisites and vacancies in the y-Ti-Al phase, Razumovskiy, V., Ecker, W., Wimler, D., Fischer, F. D., Appel, F., Mayer, S., Clemens, H., (2021) Comput. Mater. Sci., 197, 110655.

Solutions of Critical Raw Materials Issues Regarding Iron-Based Alloys, Novák, P., Belezze, T., Cabibbo, M., Gamsjäger, E., Wiessner, M., Rajnovic, D., Jaworska, L., Hanus, P., Shishkin, A., Goel, G., Goel, S. (2021) Materials 14, 899.

Transient phase fraction and dislocation density estimation from in-situ X-ray diffraction data with a low signal-to-noise ratio using a Bayesian approach to the Rietveld analysis, Wiessner, M., Angerer, P. , van der Zwaag, S., Gamsjäger, E. (2021) Materials Characterization 172, 110860.

Heat capacities and standard entropies and enthalpies of some compounds essential for steelmaking and refractory design approximated by Debye-Einstein integrals, Ogris, D. M., Gamsjäger, E., (2021) Calphad 75, 102345.

Comparison of theory and simulation with microgravity experiments on phase coarsening, Wang, K.G., Wang, G.Q.,Gamsjäger,  E., Glicksman, M.E. (2021) Acta mater. 221, 117402.

3rd International STACK Conference. Organized by Markus Orthaber, Chair of Mechanics. (2020)

Unterricht mit hohen Studierendenzahlen interaktiv gestalten. Orthaber, Antretter, T. & Smolle, J. (2020) Didaktikwerkstatt für Hochschullehrende: Lehrenden-Studierenden-Interaktion profesionell gestalten.

eDidactics Modul Assessment 2019/20. Orthaber, Antretter, T. & Smolle, J. (2020) eDidactics: Ein Fortbildungsprogramm der Steirischen Hochschulkonferenz für den Einsatz von Technologien in der Lehre. 

eDidactics Modul Assessment 2020/21. Orthaber, Antretter, T. & Smolle, J. (2020) eDidactics: Ein Fortbildungsprogramm der Steirischen Hochschulkonferenz für den Einsatz von Technologien in der Lehre. 

Coupled damage variable based on fracture locus: Modelling and calibration. Baltic, S., Magnien, J.,  Gänser, H.-P., Antretter, T. & Hammer, R. (2020) in: International Journal of Plasticity, 126, 102623.

Model-Based Residual Stress Design in Multiphase Seamless Steel Tubes. Leitner, S., Winter, G.,  Klarner, J., Antretter, T.  & Ecker, W. (2020) in: Materials 13, no. 2: 439. 

Model-Based Residual Stress Design in Multiphase Seamless Steel Tubes. Leitner, S., Winter, G.,  Klarner, J., Antretter, T.  & Ecker, W. (2020) in: Materials 13, no. 2: 439. 

Concepts for E-Assessments in STEM on the Example of Engineering Mechanics. Orthaber, M., Stütz, D., Antretter, T., & Ebner, M. (2020). in: International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15(12), pp. 136–152.

Dilatometer experiments to determine the phase transformation kinetics and TRIP behavior for predeformed 20MnB8 steel sheets. Tomasch, M., Ecker, W. & Antretter, T. (2020) in Proceedings of: XXXIX. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium, pp. 72-77. 

Coupled damage variable based on fracture locus: Prediction of ductile failure in a complex structure. Baltic, S. Magnien, J., Gänser, H.-P., Antretter, T. & Hammer, R. (2020) in: International Journal of Solids and Structures, 207, pp. 132-144.

An improved engineering approach to assess crack arrays: an Addendum to Arch. Appl. Mech. 84 (2014) 1325–1337
Kienzler, R., Fischer, F-D. & Wessel, A., Apr 2019, in: Archive of applied mechanics. 89.2019, 4, S. 731 - 736 6 S.

Are Onsager's reciprocal relations necessary to apply Thermodynamic Extremal Principles?
Hackl, K., Fischer, F-D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J., 2019, in: Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 2020, 135, S. 103780-1-6.

Cyclic heat-up and damage-relevant substrate plastification of single- and bilayer coated milling inserts evaluated numerically
Nemetz, A., Daves, W., Klünsner, T., Ecker, W., Schäfer, J., Czettl, C. & Antretter, T., 2019, in: Surface & coatings technology. 360.2019, February, S. 39-49 11 S.

Damage Tolerance of Lamellar Bone
Razi, H., Predan, J., Fischer, F-D. & Fratzl, P., 2019, in: Bone. 130, S. 114102-1-.

Deformation-induced phase transformation in a Co-Cr-W-Mo alloy studied by high-energy X-ray diffraction during in-situ compression tests
Weißensteiner, I., Petersmann, M., Erdely, P., Stark, A., Antretter, T., Clemens, H. & Maier-Kiener, V., Feb 2019, in: Acta materialia. 164.2019, February, S. 272-282 11 S.

Diffusion-controlled crack propagation in alkali feldspar
Petrishcheva, E., Rieder, M., Predan, J., Fischer, F-D., Giester, G. & Abart, R., 2019, in: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 46.2019, 1, S. 15-26 12 S.

Influence of bulk energy and triple junction mobility on interface kinetics - A tool for interpretation of experiments
Hackl, K., Khan, A. U., Fischer, F-D. & Svoboda, J., 2019, in: Acta materialia. 174.2019, August, S. 310-318 9 S.

Influence of misfit stress relaxation by power-law creep and plasticity on kinetics of coarsening of precipitates
Svoboda, J., Yao, S., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F-D., 2019, in: Scripta materialia. 2019, Vol.168, S. 81-85.

Investigation of deformation mechanisms in manganese steel crossings using FE models
Wiedorn, J., Daves, W., Ossberger, U., Ossberger, H. & Pletz, M., 13 Jun 2019, in: Tribology International. 138.2019, October, S. 424-434 11 S.

Local Approach for Coarsening of Precipitates
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Zickler, G. A., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F-D., 2019, in: Scripta materialia. 178, S. 232-235.

On Solute Depletion Zones Along Grain Boundaries During Segregation
Scheiber, D., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F-D. & Romaner, L., 2019, in: Acta materialia. 182, S. 100-107.

Real-Time Measurement of Dynamic Wheel-Rail Contacts Using Ultrasonic Reflectometry
Zhou, L., Brunskill, H., Pletz, M., Daves, W., Scheriau, S. & Lewis, R., 16 Apr 2019, in: Journal of Tribology. 141.2019, 6, 9 S., 061401.

Residual stress and microstructure evolution in steel tubes for different cooling conditions – Simulation and verification
Brunbauer, S., Winter, G., Antretter, T., Staron, P. & Ecker, W., 2019, in: Materials science and engineering: A, Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing. 747, S. 73-79.

Shot peening-induced plastic deformation of individual phases within a coated WC-Co hard metal composite material including WC plastification
Faksa, L., Daves, W., Klünsner, T., Maier, K. & Antretter, T., 2019, in: Surface & coatings technology. 380, S. 125026-1-11.

Simulation of Phase Transformation and Material Plasticity for Press Hardening
Tomasch, M., Ecker, W. & Antretter, T., 2019, Proceedings of NUMIFORM 2019: the 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes. S. 362-365.

Surface Tension Determines Tissue Shape and Growth Kinetics
Ehrig, S., Schamberger, B., Bidan, C. M., West, A., Jacobi, C., Lam, K., Kollmannsberger, P., Petersen, A., Tomancak, P., Kommareddy, K., Fischer, F-D., Fratzl, P. & Dunlop, J. W. C., 2019, in: Science Advances. 2019, 5, S. 1-8.

The Effect of Loading during Martensitic Transformation of a Margaging Steel after Prior Austenite Grain Size Refinement by Thermal Cycling
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Sannikov, A., Sartory, B. & Ehlenbröker, U., 2019, in: Practical metallography = Praktische Metallographie. 56, S. 360-372.

Thermodynamic and mechanical stability of Ni3X-type intermetallic compounds
Kulo, N., He, S., Ecker, W., Pippan, R., Antretter, T. & Razumovskiy, V. I., 2019, in: Intermetallics. 114, S. 106604-1-9.

Unification of the Non-Linear Geometric Transformation Theory of Martensite and Crystal Plasticity – Application to Dislocated Lath Martensite in Steels
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Cailletaud, G., Sannikov, A., Ehlenbröker, U. & Fischer, F-D., 2019, in: International journal of plasticity. 119.2019, August, S. 140-155 16 S.


An improved engineering approach to assess crack arrays: an Addendum to Arch. Appl. Mech. 84 (2014) 1325–1337
Kienzler, R., Fischer, F-D. & Wessel, A., Apr 2019, in: Archive of applied mechanics. 89.2019, 4, S. 731 - 736 6 S.

Are Onsager's reciprocal relations necessary to apply Thermodynamic Extremal Principles?
Hackl, K., Fischer, F-D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J., 2019, in: Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 2020, 135, S. 103780-1-6.

Cyclic heat-up and damage-relevant substrate plastification of single- and bilayer coated milling inserts evaluated numerically
Nemetz, A., Daves, W., Klünsner, T., Ecker, W., Schäfer, J., Czettl, C. & Antretter, T., 2019, in: Surface & coatings technology. 360.2019, February, S. 39-49 11 S.

Damage Tolerance of Lamellar Bone
Razi, H., Predan, J., Fischer, F-D. & Fratzl, P., 2019, in: Bone. 130, S. 114102-1-.

Deformation-induced phase transformation in a Co-Cr-W-Mo alloy studied by high-energy X-ray diffraction during in-situ compression tests
Weißensteiner, I., Petersmann, M., Erdely, P., Stark, A., Antretter, T., Clemens, H. & Maier-Kiener, V., Feb 2019, in: Acta materialia. 164.2019, February, S. 272-282 11 S.

Diffusion-controlled crack propagation in alkali feldspar
Petrishcheva, E., Rieder, M., Predan, J., Fischer, F-D., Giester, G. & Abart, R., 2019, in: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 46.2019, 1, S. 15-26 12 S.

Influence of bulk energy and triple junction mobility on interface kinetics - A tool for interpretation of experiments
Hackl, K., Khan, A. U., Fischer, F-D. & Svoboda, J., 2019, in: Acta materialia. 174.2019, August, S. 310-318 9 S.

Influence of misfit stress relaxation by power-law creep and plasticity on kinetics of coarsening of precipitates
Svoboda, J., Yao, S., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F-D., 2019, in: Scripta materialia. 2019, Vol.168, S. 81-85.

Investigation of deformation mechanisms in manganese steel crossings using FE models
Wiedorn, J., Daves, W., Ossberger, U., Ossberger, H. & Pletz, M., 13 Jun 2019, in: Tribology International. 138.2019, October, S. 424-434 11 S.

Local Approach for Coarsening of Precipitates
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Zickler, G. A., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F-D., 2019, in: Scripta materialia. 178, S. 232-235.

On Solute Depletion Zones Along Grain Boundaries During Segregation
Scheiber, D., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F-D. & Romaner, L., 2019, in: Acta materialia. 182, S. 100-107.

Real-Time Measurement of Dynamic Wheel-Rail Contacts Using Ultrasonic Reflectometry
Zhou, L., Brunskill, H., Pletz, M., Daves, W., Scheriau, S. & Lewis, R., 16 Apr 2019, in: Journal of Tribology. 141.2019, 6, 9 S., 061401.

Residual stress and microstructure evolution in steel tubes for different cooling conditions – Simulation and verification
Brunbauer, S., Winter, G., Antretter, T., Staron, P. & Ecker, W., 2019, in: Materials science and engineering: A, Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing. 747, S. 73-79.

Shot peening-induced plastic deformation of individual phases within a coated WC-Co hard metal composite material including WC plastification
Faksa, L., Daves, W., Klünsner, T., Maier, K. & Antretter, T., 2019, in: Surface & coatings technology. 380, S. 125026-1-11.

Simulation of Phase Transformation and Material Plasticity for Press Hardening
Tomasch, M., Ecker, W. & Antretter, T., 2019, Proceedings of NUMIFORM 2019: the 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes. S. 362-365.

Surface Tension Determines Tissue Shape and Growth Kinetics
Ehrig, S., Schamberger, B., Bidan, C. M., West, A., Jacobi, C., Lam, K., Kollmannsberger, P., Petersen, A., Tomancak, P., Kommareddy, K., Fischer, F-D., Fratzl, P. & Dunlop, J. W. C., 2019, in: Science Advances. 2019, 5, S. 1-8.

The Effect of Loading during Martensitic Transformation of a Margaging Steel after Prior Austenite Grain Size Refinement by Thermal Cycling
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Sannikov, A., Sartory, B. & Ehlenbröker, U., 2019, in: Practical metallography = Praktische Metallographie. 56, S. 360-372.

Thermodynamic and mechanical stability of Ni3X-type intermetallic compounds
Kulo, N., He, S., Ecker, W., Pippan, R., Antretter, T. & Razumovskiy, V. I., 2019, in: Intermetallics. 114, S. 106604-1-9.

Unification of the Non-Linear Geometric Transformation Theory of Martensite and Crystal Plasticity – Application to Dislocated Lath Martensite in Steels
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Cailletaud, G., Sannikov, A., Ehlenbröker, U. & Fischer, F-D., 2019, in: International journal of plasticity. 119.2019, August, S. 140-155 16 S.

An innovative concept for interstitial diffusion in stressed crystals
Svoboda, J., Zickler, G. A. & Fischer, F-D. 2018 in : International journal of solids and structures. S. 173-180

An In-Situ LSCM Study on Bainite Formation in a Fe-0.2C-1.5Mn-2.0Cr Alloy
Sainis, S., Farahani, H., Gamsjäger, E. van der Zwaag, S. 2018 in : Metals 8, S. 498.

Anisotropy of Interstitial Diffusion in bcc-crystals due to Stress-Induced Unequal Occupancies of Different Types of Sites
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F-D. 2018 in : International journal of solids and structures. 152-153, S. 66-70

Crack arrest in thin metallic film stacks due to material- and residual stress inhomogeneities
Kozic, D., Gänser, H.-P., Brunner, R., Kiener, D., Antretter, T., Kolednik, O. 2018 in : Thin Solid Films . 668, S. 14-22.

Crystallography-microstructure-relations of hierarchical lath martensite from a micromechanical point of view: Kristallographie-Mikrostruktur-Beziehung von hierarchisch strukturiertem Lattenmartensit - Mikromechanische Betrachtungen
Petersmann, M. 20 Jul 2018 361 S.

Deep drawing of press hardening steels
Tomasch, M., Ecker, W., Kaiser, R., Antretter, T. 2018 in : Proceedings of the Numisheet 2018, T. Kuwabara, T. Hama, M. Kuroda, S. Takahashi, A. Yamanaka, Edt., doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1063/1/012038.

Designing nanoindentation simulation studies by appropriate indenter choices: Case study on single crystal tungsten
Goel, S., Cross, G., Stukowski, A., Gamsjäger, E., Beake, B. & Agrawal, A. 2018 in : Computational materials science. 152, S. 196-210 15 S.

Elastic stress-strain analysis of an infinite cylindrical inclusion with eigenstrain
Fischer, F-D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J. 2018 in : Archive of applied mechanics : Ingenieur-Archiv. 88, S. 453-460

Influene of accounting for translational motion of grains on grain growth kinetics and size distribution
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F-D. 2018 in : Scripta materialia. 146, S. 225-259

Iravani, A., Kukolj, I., Ouchterlony, F., Antretter, T. & Åström, J. Jun 2018 Frgablast 12: 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting. Schunnesson, H. & Johansson, D. (Hrsg.). Luleå: Luleå Univ. of Technology, S. 597-610 15 S.

Kinetics of Grain Boundary Segregation in Multicomponent Systems – The Example of a Mo-C-B-O System
Scheiber, D., Romaner, L., Fischer, F-D. & Svoboda, J. 2018 in : Scripta materialia. 150, S. 110-114 5 S.

Low temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic functions described by Debye–Einstein integrals
Gamsjäger, E. & Wießner, M. 25 Jan 2018 in : Monatshefte für Chemie (Chemical monthly). 149, S. 357-368 12 S.

Modelling blast fragmentation of cylinders of mortar and rock
Iravani, A., Kukolj, I., Ouchterlony, F., Antretter, T. & Åström, J. Jun 2018 Frgablast 12: 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting. Schunnesson, H. & Johansson, D. (Hrsg.). Luleå: Luleå Univ. of Technology, S. 597-610 15 S.

Sucker Rod String Design Optimization Using an Innovative Finite Element Simulation Approach
Langbauer, C., Antretter, T. & Hofstätter, H. 1 Sep 2018 in : Oil gas European magazine. 2018, Volume44/III, S. 126-132

Sucker Rod String Design Optimization using an Innovative Finite Elements Simulation Approach
Langbauer, C., Hofstätter, H. & Antretter, T. 24 Apr 2018 NAFEMS Nordic Tagungsband 2018. S. 71-73

Sucker Rod String Design Optimization using an Innovative Finite Elements Simulation Approach
Langbauer, C., Hofstätter, H. & Antretter, T. 19 Apr 2018 DGMK Tagungsbericht 2018. S. 227 237 S.

Surface energy of nanoparticles - influence of particle size and structures
Vollath, D., Fischer, F-D. & Holec, D. 2018 in : Beilstein journal of nanotechnology (Journal of organic nanotechnology). 2018, 9, S. 2265-2276 12 S.

The effect of loading during martensitic transformation of a maraging steel after prior austenite grain size refinement by thermal cycling
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T. & Sannikov, A. 19 Sep 2018 Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie Band 52. S. 207-212 6 S.

An innovative concept for interstitial diffusion in stressed crystals
Svoboda, J., Zickler, G. A. & Fischer, F-D. 2018 in : International journal of solids and structures. S. 173-180

An In-Situ LSCM Study on Bainite Formation in a Fe-0.2C-1.5Mn-2.0Cr Alloy
Sainis, S., Farahani, H., Gamsjäger, E. van der Zwaag, S. 2018 in : Metals 8, S. 498.

Anisotropy of Interstitial Diffusion in bcc-crystals due to Stress-Induced Unequal Occupancies of Different Types of Sites
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F-D. 2018 in : International journal of solids and structures. 152-153, S. 66-70

Crystallography-microstructure-relations of hierarchical lath martensite from a micromechanical point of view: Kristallographie-Mikrostruktur-Beziehung von hierarchisch strukturiertem Lattenmartensit - Mikromechanische Betrachtungen
Petersmann, M. 20 Jul 2018 361 S.

Designing nanoindentation simulation studies by appropriate indenter choices: Case study on single crystal tungsten
Goel, S., Cross, G., Stukowski, A., Gamsjäger, E., Beake, B. & Agrawal, A. 2018 in : Computational materials science. 152, S. 196-210 15 S.

Elastic stress-strain analysis of an infinite cylindrical inclusion with eigenstrain
Fischer, F-D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J. 2018 in : Archive of applied mechanics : Ingenieur-Archiv. 88, S. 453-460

Influene of accounting for translational motion of grains on grain growth kinetics and size distribution
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F-D. 2018 in : Scripta materialia. 146, S. 225-259

Iravani, A., Kukolj, I., Ouchterlony, F., Antretter, T. & Åström, J. Jun 2018 Frgablast 12: 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting. Schunnesson, H. & Johansson, D. (Hrsg.). Luleå: Luleå Univ. of Technology, S. 597-610 15 S.

Kinetics of Grain Boundary Segregation in Multicomponent Systems – The Example of a Mo-C-B-O System
Scheiber, D., Romaner, L., Fischer, F-D. & Svoboda, J. 2018 in : Scripta materialia. 150, S. 110-114 5 S.

Low temperature heat capacities and thermodynamic functions described by Debye–Einstein integrals
Gamsjäger, E. & Wießner, M. 25 Jan 2018 in : Monatshefte für Chemie (Chemical monthly). 149, S. 357-368 12 S.

Modelling blast fragmentation of cylinders of mortar and rock
Iravani, A., Kukolj, I., Ouchterlony, F., Antretter, T. & Åström, J. Jun 2018 Frgablast 12: 12th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting. Schunnesson, H. & Johansson, D. (Hrsg.). Luleå: Luleå Univ. of Technology, S. 597-610 15 S.

Sucker Rod String Design Optimization Using an Innovative Finite Element Simulation Approach
Langbauer, C., Antretter, T. & Hofstätter, H. 1 Sep 2018 in : Oil gas European magazine. 2018, Volume44/III, S. 126-132

Sucker Rod String Design Optimization using an Innovative Finite Elements Simulation Approach
Langbauer, C., Hofstätter, H. & Antretter, T. 24 Apr 2018 NAFEMS Nordic Tagungsband 2018. S. 71-73

Sucker Rod String Design Optimization using an Innovative Finite Elements Simulation Approach
Langbauer, C., Hofstätter, H. & Antretter, T. 19 Apr 2018 DGMK Tagungsbericht 2018. S. 227 237 S.

Surface energy of nanoparticles - influence of particle size and structures
Vollath, D., Fischer, F-D. & Holec, D. 2018 in : Beilstein journal of nanotechnology (Journal of organic nanotechnology). 2018, 9, S. 2265-2276 12 S.

The effect of loading during martensitic transformation of a maraging steel after prior austenite grain size refinement by thermal cycling
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T. & Sannikov, A. 19 Sep 2018 Sonderbände der Praktischen Metallographie Band 52. S. 207-212 6 S.

A new approach predicting the evolution of laminated nanostructures - Martensite in NiTi as an example
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Waitz, T. & Fischer, F. D. 19 Jan 2017 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 25, S. 035004 17 S.

A new Instrumentation concept for the measurement of polymer compressive creep behavior
Brunbauer, S. & O'Leary, P. 2017 Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference I²MTC 2017.

A variational approach to the modelling of grooving in a three-dimensional setting
Hackl, K., Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2017 in : Acta materialia. 129, S. 331-342

An Energy Approach to Determine the Martensite Morphology in Nanocrystalline NiTi
Petersmann, M. 31 Jan 2017 in : Advanced engineering materials. 19, 4, 6 S., 1600684

Application of Photons and Neutrons for the Characterization and Development of Advanced Steels
Eidenberger-Schober, E., Schnitzer, R., Zickler, G., Eidenberger-Schober, M., Bischof, M., Staron, P., Leitner, H., Schreyer, A. & Clemens, H. 2017 Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science : From Fundamentals to Applications. 2 Aufl. Wiley-VCH Verlag, S. 377-394

Atomistic modelling-based design of novel materials
Holec, D., Zhou, L., Riedl, H., Koller, C., Mayrhofer, P. H., Friák, P. H., Šob, M., Körmann, F., Neugebauer, J., Music, D., Hartmann, M. A. & Fischer, F-D. 2017 in : Advanced engineering materials. 19, 4, 19 S., 1600688

Au55, A Stable Glassy Cluster: Results of Ab Initio Calculations
Vollath, D., Holec, D. & Fischer, F-D. 2017 in : Beilstein journal of nanotechnology (Journal of organic nanotechnology). 8, S. 2221-2229

Austenite Grain Growth in a Microalloyed X80 Line Pipe Steel
Tichauer, W. 2017

Beurteilung des Gefährdungspotentials von Porenbildung in Polymeren beim Einbetten elektronischer Komponenten in der Medizintechnik
Prabitz, K. 2017

Calibration of Phase Field Parameters Demonstrated on Kinetics of Shrinking Single Grain
Fischer, F. D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J. 2017 in : Philosophical magazine : Letters. 97, S. 92-100

Cold pilgering of duplex steel tubes: The response of austenite and ferrite to excessive cold deformation up to high strains
Ragger, K., Primig, S., Daniel, R., Kaiser, R., Paal, J., Mitterer, C. & Buchmayr, B. 2017 in : Materials characterization. 128, S. 257–268

Compressed Bi-crystal Micropillars Showing a Sigmoidal Deformation State - A Computational Study
Toth, F., Kirchlechner, C., Fischer, F. D., Dehm, G. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2017 in : Materials science and engineering A (Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing ). 700, S. 168-174

Couples and Pairs Formation – Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modelling Applied to Al-Mg-Si
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2017 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 25, S. 065011-1-15

Crack Driving Force in Twisted Plywood Structures
Fischer, F. D., Kolednik, O., Predan, J., Razi, J. & Fratzl, P. 2017 in : Acta biomaterialia. 55, S. 349-359

Effect of reverted austenite on tensile and impact strength in a martensitic stainless steel - An in-situ X-ray diffraction study
Wießner, M., Gamsjäger, E., van der Zwaag, S., Angerer, P. 2017 in Mater. Sci. & Eng. A 682, S. 117-125

Extracting flow curves from nano-sized metal layers in thin film systems
Kozic, D., Maier-Kiener, V., Konetschnik, R., Gänser, H. P., Antretter, T., Brunner, R. & Kiener, D. 15 Mär 2017 in: Scripta materialia. 130, S. 143-147 5 S.

Finite Element Based Optimization and Improvement of the Sucker Rod Pumping System
Langbauer, C. & Antretter, T. 16 Nov 2017 18 S.

From microstructural characterization to mechanical properties of steels - An in-situ X-ray diffration study
Gamsjäger, E. & Wießner, M. Jun 2017

Intermetallic ?-Solidifying ?-TiAl Based Alloys ? From Fundamental Research to Application
Mayer, S., Erdely, P., Fischer, F-D., Holec, D., Kastenhuber, M., Klein, T. & Clemens, H. 2017 in : Advanced engineering materials. 19, 4, 27 S., 1600735

Lecture within the Training School: The challenge of CRMs in extreme condition: advanced multidisciplinary view
Gamsjäger, E. 2017

Mechanik und Thermodynamik der Werkstoffe
Gamsjäger, E. Nov 2017

Modeling the interplay between transformation and plasticity in low-carbon steels - A micro-level constitutive model / RVE approach
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Ehlenbröcker, U. & Cailletaud, G. 27 Feb 2017

Modelling of grain refinement driven by negative grain boundary energy
Fischer, F. D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J. 2017 in : Philosophical magazine. 97, S. 1963-1977

Numerical simulation of stress-free shotcrete installation in the underground structures using finite element program ABAQUS
Darmaev, E., Galler, R. & Antretter, T. 2017 Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering: EURO:TUN 2017. Innsbruck, S. 339-346 8 S.

Numerical study of the influence of irradiation parameters on the microwave-induced stresses in granite
Toifl, M., Hartlieb, P., Meisels, R., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 2017 in : Minerals engineering. 103-104, S. 78-92

On Variants, Blocks and Packets and their Interaction with Crystal Plasticity
Antretter, T., Petersmann, M., Cailletaud, G., Ehlenbröcker, U. & Vieweg, A. 2017

Optimization of a quick-release fastener for cutting discs in industrial mining applications
Kernbichler, C. 2017

Porenschließverhalten beim mehrdirektionalen und mehrstufigen FreiformschmiedenKaiser, R., Tewes, A., Wieser, V. & Antretter, T. 18 Mär 2017 XXXVI. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium: Zauchensee von 18.3 bis 22..2017. Leoben: Montanuniversität Leoben, Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, S. 134 - 139 6 S.

Pre- and post-buckling behavior of bi-crystalline micropillars: Origin and consequences
Kirchlechner, C., Toth, F., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Fischer, F. D. & Dehm, G. 2017 in : Acta materialia. 124, S. 195-203

Prediction and Characterization of Residual Stresses after Heat Treatment of Massive Hot Work Tool Steel Components
Schemmel, M., Antretter, T., Ecker, W. & Prevedel, P. 19 Apr 2017

Quantification of the material inhomogeneity effect in thin metallic film stacks
Kozic, D. 2017

Solutions for critical raw materials under extreme conditions: A review
Grilli, M.L., Bellezze, T., Gamsjäger, E., Rinaldi, A., Novak, P., Balos, S., Piticescu, R.R., Ruello, M.L. 2017 in: Materials 10, 285-308

Structure and surface energy of Au55 nanoparticles: An ab initio study
Holec, D., Fischer, F. D. & Vollath, D. 2017 in : Computational materials science. 134, S. 137-144

The effect of residual stresses and strain reversal on the fracture toughness of TiAl alloys
Appel, F., Paul, J., Staron, P., Kolednik, O., Predan, J., Oehring, M. & Fischer, F-D. 2017 in : Materials science and engineering A (Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing ). 709, S. 17-29

Thermodynamic Treatment of Diffusive Phase Transformation (Reactive Diffusion)
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2017 Handbook of Solid State Diffusion: Diffusion Fundamentals and Techniques. Paul, A. & Divinski, S. (Hrsg.). Amsterdam, Band 1, S. 391-434

A new approach predicting the evolution of laminated nanostructures - Martensite in NiTi as an example
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Waitz, T. & Fischer, F. D. 19 Jan 2017 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 25, S. 035004 17 S.

A new Instrumentation concept for the measurement of polymer compressive creep behavior
Brunbauer, S. & O'Leary, P. 2017 Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference I²MTC 2017.

A variational approach to the modelling of grooving in a three-dimensional setting
Hackl, K., Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2017 in : Acta materialia. 129, S. 331-342

An Energy Approach to Determine the Martensite Morphology in Nanocrystalline NiTi
Petersmann, M. 31 Jan 2017 in : Advanced engineering materials. 19, 4, 6 S., 1600684

Application of Photons and Neutrons for the Characterization and Development of Advanced Steels
Eidenberger-Schober, E., Schnitzer, R., Zickler, G., Eidenberger-Schober, M., Bischof, M., Staron, P., Leitner, H., Schreyer, A. & Clemens, H. 2017 Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science : From Fundamentals to Applications. 2 Aufl. Wiley-VCH Verlag, S. 377-394

Atomistic modelling-based design of novel materials
Holec, D., Zhou, L., Riedl, H., Koller, C., Mayrhofer, P. H., Friák, P. H., Šob, M., Körmann, F., Neugebauer, J., Music, D., Hartmann, M. A. & Fischer, F-D. 2017 in : Advanced engineering materials. 19, 4, 19 S., 1600688

Au55, A Stable Glassy Cluster: Results of Ab Initio Calculations
Vollath, D., Holec, D. & Fischer, F-D. 2017 in : Beilstein journal of nanotechnology (Journal of organic nanotechnology). 8, S. 2221-2229

Austenite Grain Growth in a Microalloyed X80 Line Pipe Steel
Tichauer, W. 2017

Beurteilung des Gefährdungspotentials von Porenbildung in Polymeren beim Einbetten elektronischer Komponenten in der Medizintechnik
Prabitz, K. 2017

Calibration of Phase Field Parameters Demonstrated on Kinetics of Shrinking Single Grain
Fischer, F. D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J. 2017 in : Philosophical magazine : Letters. 97, S. 92-100

Cold pilgering of duplex steel tubes: The response of austenite and ferrite to excessive cold deformation up to high strains
Ragger, K., Primig, S., Daniel, R., Kaiser, R., Paal, J., Mitterer, C. & Buchmayr, B. 2017 in : Materials characterization. 128, S. 257–268

Compressed Bi-crystal Micropillars Showing a Sigmoidal Deformation State - A Computational Study
Toth, F., Kirchlechner, C., Fischer, F. D., Dehm, G. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2017 in : Materials science and engineering A (Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing ). 700, S. 168-174

Couples and Pairs Formation – Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modelling Applied to Al-Mg-Si
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2017 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 25, S. 065011-1-15

Crack Driving Force in Twisted Plywood Structures
Fischer, F. D., Kolednik, O., Predan, J., Razi, J. & Fratzl, P. 2017 in : Acta biomaterialia. 55, S. 349-359

Effect of reverted austenite on tensile and impact strength in a martensitic stainless steel - An in-situ X-ray diffraction study
Wießner, M., Gamsjäger, E., van der Zwaag, S., Angerer, P. 2017 in Mater. Sci. & Eng. A 682, S. 117-125

Extracting flow curves from nano-sized metal layers in thin film systems
Kozic, D., Maier-Kiener, V., Konetschnik, R., Gänser, H. P., Antretter, T., Brunner, R. & Kiener, D. 15 Mär 2017 in: Scripta materialia. 130, S. 143-147 5 S.

Finite Element Based Optimization and Improvement of the Sucker Rod Pumping System
Langbauer, C. & Antretter, T. 16 Nov 2017 18 S.

From microstructural characterization to mechanical properties of steels - An in-situ X-ray diffration study
Gamsjäger, E. & Wießner, M. Jun 2017

Intermetallic ?-Solidifying ?-TiAl Based Alloys ? From Fundamental Research to Application
Mayer, S., Erdely, P., Fischer, F-D., Holec, D., Kastenhuber, M., Klein, T. & Clemens, H. 2017 in : Advanced engineering materials. 19, 4, 27 S., 1600735

Lecture within the Training School: The challenge of CRMs in extreme condition: advanced multidisciplinary view
Gamsjäger, E. 2017

Mechanik und Thermodynamik der Werkstoffe
Gamsjäger, E. Nov 2017

Modeling the interplay between transformation and plasticity in low-carbon steels - A micro-level constitutive model / RVE approach
Petersmann, M., Antretter, T., Ehlenbröcker, U. & Cailletaud, G. 27 Feb 2017

Modelling of grain refinement driven by negative grain boundary energy
Fischer, F. D., Zickler, G. & Svoboda, J. 2017 in : Philosophical magazine. 97, S. 1963-1977

Numerical simulation of stress-free shotcrete installation in the underground structures using finite element program ABAQUS
Darmaev, E., Galler, R. & Antretter, T. 2017 Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering: EURO:TUN 2017. Innsbruck, S. 339-346 8 S.

Numerical study of the influence of irradiation parameters on the microwave-induced stresses in granite
Toifl, M., Hartlieb, P., Meisels, R., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 2017 in : Minerals engineering. 103-104, S. 78-92

On Variants, Blocks and Packets and their Interaction with Crystal Plasticity
Antretter, T., Petersmann, M., Cailletaud, G., Ehlenbröcker, U. & Vieweg, A. 2017

Optimization of a quick-release fastener for cutting discs in industrial mining applications
Kernbichler, C. 2017

Porenschließverhalten beim mehrdirektionalen und mehrstufigen FreiformschmiedenKaiser, R., Tewes, A., Wieser, V. & Antretter, T. 18 Mär 2017 XXXVI. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium: Zauchensee von 18.3 bis 22..2017. Leoben: Montanuniversität Leoben, Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, S. 134 - 139 6 S.

Pre- and post-buckling behavior of bi-crystalline micropillars: Origin and consequences
Kirchlechner, C., Toth, F., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Fischer, F. D. & Dehm, G. 2017 in : Acta materialia. 124, S. 195-203

Prediction and Characterization of Residual Stresses after Heat Treatment of Massive Hot Work Tool Steel Components
Schemmel, M., Antretter, T., Ecker, W. & Prevedel, P. 19 Apr 2017

Quantification of the material inhomogeneity effect in thin metallic film stacks
Kozic, D. 2017

Solutions for critical raw materials under extreme conditions: A review
Grilli, M.L., Bellezze, T., Gamsjäger, E., Rinaldi, A., Novak, P., Balos, S., Piticescu, R.R., Ruello, M.L. 2017 in: Materials 10, 285-308

Structure and surface energy of Au55 nanoparticles: An ab initio study
Holec, D., Fischer, F. D. & Vollath, D. 2017 in : Computational materials science. 134, S. 137-144

The effect of residual stresses and strain reversal on the fracture toughness of TiAl alloys
Appel, F., Paul, J., Staron, P., Kolednik, O., Predan, J., Oehring, M. & Fischer, F-D. 2017 in : Materials science and engineering A (Structural materials: properties, microstructure and processing ). 709, S. 17-29

Thermodynamic Treatment of Diffusive Phase Transformation (Reactive Diffusion)
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2017 Handbook of Solid State Diffusion: Diffusion Fundamentals and Techniques. Paul, A. & Divinski, S. (Hrsg.). Amsterdam, Band 1, S. 391-434

A new Treatment of transient grain growth
Svoboda, J., Fratzl, P., Zickler, G. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Acta materialia. 115, S. 442-447
A Self-Consistent Model for Thermodynamics of Multicomponent Solid Solutions
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Scripta materialia. S. 154-157
A thermokinetic model for Mg-Si couple Formation in Al-Mg-Si alloys
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 24, S. 035021-1-16

Calculating entropies of alkaline earth molybdates
Gamsjäger, E., Morishita, M., Gamsjäger, H. 2016 in: Monatsh. Chem. 147, S. 263-267.
Calculation of crack driving Forces of surface cracks subjected to rolling/sliding contact
Krácalik, M., Daves, W. & Antretter, T. 2016 in : Engineering fracture mechanics. 152, 2, S. 10-25
Eigenspannungsoptimiertes Richtkonzept: Anwendung auf Langprodukte
Kaiser, R., Antretter, T. & Buchmayr, B. 5 Mär 2016 Tagungsgband XXXV. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium 2016: Tagungsband.Buchmayr, B. (Hrsg.). Leoben: Lehrhstuhl für Umformtechnik, S. 153-159
Experimental and theoretical evidence of displacive martensite in an intermetallic Mo-containing ?-TiAl based alloy
Mayer, S., Petersmann, M., Fischer, F. D., Clemens, H., Waitz, T. & Antretter, T. 2016 in : Acta materialia. 115, S. 242-249
Finite element study of the influence of hard coatings on hard metal tool loading during milling
Krajinovic, I., Daves, W., Tkadletz, M., Teppernegg, T., Klünsner, T., Schalk, N., Mitterer, C., Tritremmel, C., Ecker, W. & Czettl, C. 2016 in : Surface & coatings technology (Surface and coatings technology). 304, S. 134-141
Fracture and Material Behavior of Thin Film composites
Kozic, D., Treml, R., Maier-Kiener, V., Schöngrundner, R., Brunner, R., Kiener, D., Antretter, T. & Gänser, H-P. 2016 2016 17th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) . IEEE, S. 1-6
Free edges at bilayered compounds - a short analytical and numerical reconsideration
Antretter, T., Fischer, F. D., Rammerstorfer, F. G. & Zickler, G. A. 2016 in : Archive of applied mechanics : Ingenieur-Archiv. 86, S. 2053-2061
Improved thermodynamic Treatment of vacancy-mediated diffusion
Fischer, F. D., Hackl, K. & Svoboda, J. 2016 in : Acta materialia. 108, S. 347-354
In-situ Observation of Cross- Sectional Microstructural Changes and Stress Distributions in Fracturing TiN Thin Film during Nanoindentation
Zeilinger, A., Todt, J., Krywka, C., Müller, M., Ecker, W., Sartory, B., Meindlhumer, M., Stefenelli, M., Daniel, R., Mitterer, C. & Keckes, J. 7 Mär 2016 in : Scientific reports (London : Nature Publishing Group). 6:22670, S. 1-14
Modeling Concepts for Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Appel, F., Clemens, H. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Progress in materials science. 81, S. 55-124
Numerical study of the influence of irradiation parameters on the microwave-induced stresses in granite for industrial applications
Toifl, M., Hartlieb, P., Meisels, R., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 11 Apr 2016 Comminution '16 - Proceedings.
Precipitate growth in multi-component systems with stress relaxation by diffusion and creep
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D., Riedel, H. & Kozeschnik, E. 2016 in : International journal of plasticity. 82, S. 112-238
Size-dependent surface energies of Au nanoparticles
Holec, D., Dumitraschkewitz, P., Fischer, F. D. & Vollath, D. 11 Apr 2016 S. 1-13
Stress Relaxation by Power-Law Creep During Growth of a Misfitting Precipitate
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., Antretter, T. & Kozeschnik, E. 2016 in : International journal of solids and structures. 96, S. 74-80
The Mechanics of Tessellations - Bioinspired Strategies for Fracture Resistance
Fratzl, P., Kolednik, O., Fischer, F. D. & Dean, M. N. 2016 in : The Royal Society of Chemistry. 45, S. 252-267
Thermo-physical properties of selected hard rocks and their relation to microwave-assisted comminution
Hartlieb, P., Toifl, M., Kuchar, F., Meisels, R. & Antretter, T. 2016 in : Minerals engineering. 91, S. 34 - 51
3D numerical study on microwave induced stresses in inhomogeneous hard rocks
Toifl, M., Meisels, R., Hartlieb, P., Kuchar, F. & Antretter, T. 1 Mai 2016 in : Minerals engineering. 90, S. 29-42

A new Treatment of transient grain growth
Svoboda, J., Fratzl, P., Zickler, G. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Acta materialia. 115, S. 442-447
A Self-Consistent Model for Thermodynamics of Multicomponent Solid Solutions
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Scripta materialia. S. 154-157
A thermokinetic model for Mg-Si couple Formation in Al-Mg-Si alloys
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 24, S. 035021-1-16

Calculating entropies of alkaline earth molybdates
Gamsjäger, E., Morishita, M., Gamsjäger, H. 2016 in: Monatsh. Chem. 147, S. 263-267.
Calculation of crack driving Forces of surface cracks subjected to rolling/sliding contact
Krácalik, M., Daves, W. & Antretter, T. 2016 in : Engineering fracture mechanics. 152, 2, S. 10-25
Eigenspannungsoptimiertes Richtkonzept: Anwendung auf Langprodukte
Kaiser, R., Antretter, T. & Buchmayr, B. 5 Mär 2016 Tagungsgband XXXV. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium 2016: Tagungsband.Buchmayr, B. (Hrsg.). Leoben: Lehrhstuhl für Umformtechnik, S. 153-159
Experimental and theoretical evidence of displacive martensite in an intermetallic Mo-containing ?-TiAl based alloy
Mayer, S., Petersmann, M., Fischer, F. D., Clemens, H., Waitz, T. & Antretter, T. 2016 in : Acta materialia. 115, S. 242-249
Finite element study of the influence of hard coatings on hard metal tool loading during milling
Krajinovic, I., Daves, W., Tkadletz, M., Teppernegg, T., Klünsner, T., Schalk, N., Mitterer, C., Tritremmel, C., Ecker, W. & Czettl, C. 2016 in : Surface & coatings technology (Surface and coatings technology). 304, S. 134-141
Fracture and Material Behavior of Thin Film composites
Kozic, D., Treml, R., Maier-Kiener, V., Schöngrundner, R., Brunner, R., Kiener, D., Antretter, T. & Gänser, H-P. 2016 2016 17th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) . IEEE, S. 1-6
Free edges at bilayered compounds - a short analytical and numerical reconsideration
Antretter, T., Fischer, F. D., Rammerstorfer, F. G. & Zickler, G. A. 2016 in : Archive of applied mechanics : Ingenieur-Archiv. 86, S. 2053-2061
Improved thermodynamic Treatment of vacancy-mediated diffusion
Fischer, F. D., Hackl, K. & Svoboda, J. 2016 in : Acta materialia. 108, S. 347-354
In-situ Observation of Cross- Sectional Microstructural Changes and Stress Distributions in Fracturing TiN Thin Film during Nanoindentation
Zeilinger, A., Todt, J., Krywka, C., Müller, M., Ecker, W., Sartory, B., Meindlhumer, M., Stefenelli, M., Daniel, R., Mitterer, C. & Keckes, J. 7 Mär 2016 in : Scientific reports (London : Nature Publishing Group). 6:22670, S. 1-14
Modeling Concepts for Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides
Appel, F., Clemens, H. & Fischer, F. D. 2016 in : Progress in materials science. 81, S. 55-124
Numerical study of the influence of irradiation parameters on the microwave-induced stresses in granite for industrial applications
Toifl, M., Hartlieb, P., Meisels, R., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 11 Apr 2016 Comminution '16 - Proceedings.
Precipitate growth in multi-component systems with stress relaxation by diffusion and creep
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D., Riedel, H. & Kozeschnik, E. 2016 in : International journal of plasticity. 82, S. 112-238
Size-dependent surface energies of Au nanoparticles
Holec, D., Dumitraschkewitz, P., Fischer, F. D. & Vollath, D. 11 Apr 2016 S. 1-13
Stress Relaxation by Power-Law Creep During Growth of a Misfitting Precipitate
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., Antretter, T. & Kozeschnik, E. 2016 in : International journal of solids and structures. 96, S. 74-80
The Mechanics of Tessellations - Bioinspired Strategies for Fracture Resistance
Fratzl, P., Kolednik, O., Fischer, F. D. & Dean, M. N. 2016 in : The Royal Society of Chemistry. 45, S. 252-267
Thermo-physical properties of selected hard rocks and their relation to microwave-assisted comminution
Hartlieb, P., Toifl, M., Kuchar, F., Meisels, R. & Antretter, T. 2016 in : Minerals engineering. 91, S. 34 - 51
3D numerical study on microwave induced stresses in inhomogeneous hard rocks
Toifl, M., Meisels, R., Hartlieb, P., Kuchar, F. & Antretter, T. 1 Mai 2016 in : Minerals engineering. 90, S. 29-42


A New Self-Consistent Model for Thermodynamics of Binary Solutions 
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V. & Fischer, F. D. 2015 in : Scripta materialia. 108, S. 27-30
An inverse finite element approach to calculate full-field forming strains 
Ritt, R., Machado, M., Fischlschweiger, M., Major, Z. & Antretter, T. 2015 in : Key engineering materials. 651-653, S. 363-368
Analysis of the mobility of migrating austenite–ferrite interfaces
Gamsjäger, E., Wiessner, M., Schider, S., Chen, H. & van der Zwaag, S. 2015 in : Philosophical magazine. 95:26, S. 2899-2917
Calculating entropies of alkaline earth metal molybdates
Gamsjäger, E., Morishita, M. & Gamsjäger, H. 18 Nov 2015 in : Monatshefte für Chemie (Chemical monthly).
Characterization of stainless steels by means of high temperature X-­ray diffraction
Gamsjäger, E., Wiessner, M. & Angerer, P. 30 Apr 2015 Stainless Steel Conference 2015-Proceedings.
Experimental characterization and modelling of triaxial residual stresses in straightened railway rails
Kaiser, R., Stefenelli, M., Hatzenbichler, T., Antretter, T., Hofmann, M., Keckes, J. & Buchmayr, B. 2015 in : The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 50, 3, S. 190-198
Generalized Gaussian Error Functions and their Applications
Dirschmid, H. & Fischer, F. D. 2015 in : Acta mechanica. 226, S. 2887-2897
Kinetics of Interstitial Segregation in Cottrell Atmospheres and Grain Boundaries
Svoboda, J., Zickler, G., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2015 in : Philosophical magazine : Letters. 95, S. 458-465
Microwave propagation and absorption and its thermo-mechanical consequences in heterogeneous rocks
Meisels, R., Toifl, M., Hartlieb, P., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 2015 in : International Journal of Mineral Processing. 135, S. 40-51
Multi-scale modeling of bainitic phase transformation in multi-variant polycrystalline low alloy steels
Mahnken, R., Schneidt, A., Antretter, T., Ehlenbröker, U. & Wolff, M. 2015 in : International journal of solids and structures. 54, S. 156-171
Numerical analysis of the rock cutting process based on a two parameter description of tensile strength using the Weibull theory
Mikl-Resch, M. J., Antretter, T., Tichy, R., Pittino, G., Galler, R., Ecker, W., Gimpel, M. & Kargl, H. 10 Mai 2015 ISRM 2015_PROCEEDINGS. 5 S. 724
Relaxation of a Precipitate Misfit Stress State by Creep in the Matrix
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., Antretter, T. & Kozeschnik, E. 2015 in : International journal of plasticity. 64, S. 164-176
Special cases of martensite compatibility: A near single-variant habit-plane and the martensite of nanocrystalline NiTi
Petersmann, M. & Antretter, T. 1 Dez 2015 MATEC Web of Conferences : ESOMAT 2015 – 10th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations . Schryvers, N. & Van Humbeeck, J. (Hrsg.). 6 S.
Stress and Deflection Development During Die Embedding into Printed Circuit Boards
Macurova, K., Angerer, P., Bermejo, R., Pletz, M., Schöngrundner, R., Antretter, T., Krivec, T., Morianz, M., Brizoux, M. & Lecavelier, A. 2015 in : Materials Today: Proceedings. 2, 2, S. 4196-4205
Stress, deformation and diffusion interactions in solids - A simulation study
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 26 Feb 2015 in : Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 78, S. 427-442
The relation of temperature, microwave absorbing properties and thermo - dynamic behavior of selected hard rocks
Hartlieb, P., Toifl, M., Meisels, R., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 11 Jun 2015 Physical Separation 15 - Proceedings.
The influence of a brittle Cr interlayer on the Deformation behavior of thin Cu films on flexible substrates: Experiment and Model
Marx, V. M., Toth, F., Wiesinger, A., Berger, J., Kirchlechner, C., Cordill, M., Fischer, F. D., Rammerstorfer, F. G. & Dehm, G. 2015 in : Acta materialia. 89, S. 278-289
The kinetics of diffusive phase transformations in the light of trans-interface diffusion
Gamsjäger, E. & Rettenmayr, M. 2015 in : Philosophical magazine. 95:26, S. 2851-2865
The rock cutting process of road headers - Overview of laboratory tests and numerical simulation
Pittino, G., Galler, R., Mikl-Resch, M. J., Tichy, R., Ecker, W., Antretter, T., Gimpel, M. & Kargl, H. 2015 Future Development of Rock Mechanics: Proceedings of the ISRM Regional Symposium Eurock 2015 & 64th Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert, W. & Kluckner, A. (Hrsg.). Salzburg: Eigenverlag, S. 243-248
Thermo-kinetic modeling of Mg-Si couple formation as a precursor to precipitation in Al-Mg-Si
Shan, Y. V., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Kozeschnik, E. 2015 Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials. TMS, S. 883-884
Versagen von feuerverzinkten Stahlbauteilen
Panzenböck, M., Mendez Martin, F., Rashkova, B., Schütz, P. & Kaiser, R. 2015 Sonderbänder der praktischen Metallographie 47. S. 203-208

A New Self-Consistent Model for Thermodynamics of Binary Solutions 
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V. & Fischer, F. D. 2015 in : Scripta materialia. 108, S. 27-30
An inverse finite element approach to calculate full-field forming strains 
Ritt, R., Machado, M., Fischlschweiger, M., Major, Z. & Antretter, T. 2015 in : Key engineering materials. 651-653, S. 363-368
Analysis of the mobility of migrating austenite–ferrite interfaces
Gamsjäger, E., Wiessner, M., Schider, S., Chen, H. & van der Zwaag, S. 2015 in : Philosophical magazine. 95:26, S. 2899-2917
Calculating entropies of alkaline earth metal molybdates
Gamsjäger, E., Morishita, M. & Gamsjäger, H. 18 Nov 2015 in : Monatshefte für Chemie (Chemical monthly).
Characterization of stainless steels by means of high temperature X-­ray diffraction
Gamsjäger, E., Wiessner, M. & Angerer, P. 30 Apr 2015 Stainless Steel Conference 2015-Proceedings.
Experimental characterization and modelling of triaxial residual stresses in straightened railway rails
Kaiser, R., Stefenelli, M., Hatzenbichler, T., Antretter, T., Hofmann, M., Keckes, J. & Buchmayr, B. 2015 in : The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 50, 3, S. 190-198
Generalized Gaussian Error Functions and their Applications
Dirschmid, H. & Fischer, F. D. 2015 in : Acta mechanica. 226, S. 2887-2897
Kinetics of Interstitial Segregation in Cottrell Atmospheres and Grain Boundaries
Svoboda, J., Zickler, G., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2015 in : Philosophical magazine : Letters. 95, S. 458-465
Microwave propagation and absorption and its thermo-mechanical consequences in heterogeneous rocks
Meisels, R., Toifl, M., Hartlieb, P., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 2015 in : International Journal of Mineral Processing. 135, S. 40-51
Multi-scale modeling of bainitic phase transformation in multi-variant polycrystalline low alloy steels
Mahnken, R., Schneidt, A., Antretter, T., Ehlenbröker, U. & Wolff, M. 2015 in : International journal of solids and structures. 54, S. 156-171
Numerical analysis of the rock cutting process based on a two parameter description of tensile strength using the Weibull theory
Mikl-Resch, M. J., Antretter, T., Tichy, R., Pittino, G., Galler, R., Ecker, W., Gimpel, M. & Kargl, H. 10 Mai 2015 ISRM 2015_PROCEEDINGS. 5 S. 724
Relaxation of a Precipitate Misfit Stress State by Creep in the Matrix
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., Antretter, T. & Kozeschnik, E. 2015 in : International journal of plasticity. 64, S. 164-176
Special cases of martensite compatibility: A near single-variant habit-plane and the martensite of nanocrystalline NiTi
Petersmann, M. & Antretter, T. 1 Dez 2015 MATEC Web of Conferences : ESOMAT 2015 – 10th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations . Schryvers, N. & Van Humbeeck, J. (Hrsg.). 6 S.
Stress and Deflection Development During Die Embedding into Printed Circuit Boards
Macurova, K., Angerer, P., Bermejo, R., Pletz, M., Schöngrundner, R., Antretter, T., Krivec, T., Morianz, M., Brizoux, M. & Lecavelier, A. 2015 in : Materials Today: Proceedings. 2, 2, S. 4196-4205
Stress, deformation and diffusion interactions in solids - A simulation study
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 26 Feb 2015 in : Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 78, S. 427-442
The relation of temperature, microwave absorbing properties and thermo - dynamic behavior of selected hard rocks
Hartlieb, P., Toifl, M., Meisels, R., Antretter, T. & Kuchar, F. 11 Jun 2015 Physical Separation 15 - Proceedings.
The influence of a brittle Cr interlayer on the Deformation behavior of thin Cu films on flexible substrates: Experiment and Model
Marx, V. M., Toth, F., Wiesinger, A., Berger, J., Kirchlechner, C., Cordill, M., Fischer, F. D., Rammerstorfer, F. G. & Dehm, G. 2015 in : Acta materialia. 89, S. 278-289
The kinetics of diffusive phase transformations in the light of trans-interface diffusion
Gamsjäger, E. & Rettenmayr, M. 2015 in : Philosophical magazine. 95:26, S. 2851-2865
The rock cutting process of road headers - Overview of laboratory tests and numerical simulation
Pittino, G., Galler, R., Mikl-Resch, M. J., Tichy, R., Ecker, W., Antretter, T., Gimpel, M. & Kargl, H. 2015 Future Development of Rock Mechanics: Proceedings of the ISRM Regional Symposium Eurock 2015 & 64th Geomechanics Colloquium. Schubert, W. & Kluckner, A. (Hrsg.). Salzburg: Eigenverlag, S. 243-248
Thermo-kinetic modeling of Mg-Si couple formation as a precursor to precipitation in Al-Mg-Si
Shan, Y. V., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Kozeschnik, E. 2015 Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials. TMS, S. 883-884
Versagen von feuerverzinkten Stahlbauteilen
Panzenböck, M., Mendez Martin, F., Rashkova, B., Schütz, P. & Kaiser, R. 2015 Sonderbänder der praktischen Metallographie 47. S. 203-208


Abnormal Grain Growth: A Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamic Model for Multi-Grain Binary Systems
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 22, S. 015013-1-015013-15
An Easy-to-Use Estimate of the Energy-Release Rate for Crack Arrays
Fischer, F. D., Predan, J. & Kienzler, R. 2014 in : Archive of applied mechanics : Ingenieur-Archiv. 84, S. 1325-1337
Application of the cyclic phase transformation concept for determining the effective austenite/ferrite interface mobility
Gamsjäger, E., Chen, H. & van der Zwaag, S. 2014 in : Computational materials science. 83, S. 92-100
Characterization and modeling of the AuSnCu thin solder joint under thermal cycling
Antretter, T., Otremba, R., Karunamurthy, B. & Pélisset, T. 2014 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical & Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems EuroSimE 2014. G.Q. Zhang, W.D. Van Driel, P. Rodgers, C. Bailey, O. de Saint Leger
Chemically Induced Fracturing in Alkali Feldspar
Scheidl, K. S., Schaeffer, A-K., Petrishcheva, E., Habler, G., Fischer, F. D., Schreuer, J. & Abart, R. 2014 in : Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 41, S. 1-16
Coherent Analysis of Disordered Mesoporous Adsorbents using Small Angle X-Ray Scattering and Physisorption Experiments
Stoeckel, D., Wallacher, D., Zickler, G., Perlich, J., Tallarek, U. & Smarsly, B. 2014 in : Physical chemistry, chemical physics : PCCP. 16, S. 6583-6592
Comparison of different methods for stress and deflection analysis in embedded die packages during the assembly process
Macurova, K., Bermejo Moratinos, R., Pletz, M., Schöngrundner, R., Antretter, T., Krivec, T., Morianz, M., Brizoux, M. & Lecavelier, A. 1 Jan 2014 Proceedings - 2014 47th International Symposium on Microelectronics, IMAPS 2014. IMAPS-International Microelectronics and Packaging Society, S. 355-360
Computational simulation of instability phenomena in nanoparticles and nanofilms
Todt, M., Toth, F., Hartmann, M., Holec, D., Cordill, M. J., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2014 in : Computational Technology Reviews. 10, S. 89-119
Critical assessment of the determination of residual stress profiles in thin films by means of the ion beam layer removal method
Schöngrundner, R., Treml, R., Antretter, T., Kozic, D., Ecker, W. & Kiener, D. 2014 in : Thin solid films. S. 321-330
Determination of cyclic mechanical properties of thin copper layers for PCB applications
Fellner, K., Fuchs, P. F., Antretter, T., Pinter, G. & Schöngrundner, R. 2014 Proceedings 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems. G.Q. Zhang, W.D. Van Driel, P. Rodgers, C. Bailey, O. de Saint Leger, S. 1-8
Determination of Depths of Multiple Traps for Interstitials and their Influence on Diffusion Kinetics
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 22, S. 065015-1-16
Determination of Substitutional-Interstitial Interaction from Chemical Potentials of Interstitials in the Steel Matrix
Shan, Y. V., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Kozeschnik, E. Mai 2014 in : Advanced materials research. 922, S. 645-650
Diffusion of elements and vacancies in multi-component systems
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2014 in : Progress in materials science. 60, S. 338-367
Estimation of Thermodynamic Data of Metallic Nanoparticles Based on Bulk Values
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 Metal Nanopowders: Production, Characterization, and Energetic Applications. S. 1-24
Evaluation of the residual stress distribution in thin films by means of the ion beam layer removal method
Kozic, D., Treml, R., Schöngrundner, R., Brunner, R., Kiener, D., Antretter, T. & Gänser, H-P. 2014 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical & Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems EuroSimE 2014. Zhang, G. Q., Van Driel, W. D., Rodgers, P., Bailey, C. & de Saint Leger, O. (Hrsg.). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 6813785
Formation of Bubbles by Hydrogen Attack and Elastic-Plastic Deformation of the Matrix
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2014 in : International journal of plasticity. 63, S. 110-123
Generalization of the Lifshitz–Slyozov–Wagner Coarsening Theory to Non-dilute Multi-component Systems
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Acta materialia. 79, S. 304-314
Growth limit of carbon onions – A continuum mechanical study
Todt, M., Bitsche, R. D., Hartmann, M., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2014 in : International journal of solids and structures. 51, S. 706-715
Kinetics of the Austenite-to-Ferrite Phase Transformation - Simulations and Experiments
Gamsjäger, E., Werner, R., Schiller, W. & Buchmayr, B. 2014 in : Steel research international. S. 131-142
Method development for the cyclic characterization of thin copper layers for PCB applications
Fellner, K., Fuchs, P. F., Pinter, G., Antretter, T. & Krivec, T. 2014 in : Circuit World. 40, S. 53-60
Modelling of phase transformations and residual stress formation in hot-work tool steel components
Schemmel, M., Prevedel, P., Schöngrundner, R., Ecker, W. & Antretter, T. 2014 European Conference of Heat Treatment and 21st IFHTSE Congress. S. 285-292
Modelling the role of compositional fluctuations in nucleation kinetics
Ženíšek, J., Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 31 Jul 2014 in : Acta materialia. 91, S. 355-376
Phase transformations in steels - from in-situ experiments to thermodynamically based models
Gamsjäger, E.2014Proceedings of the 8th European continuous casting conference.S. 116-123
Pilgerwalzwerk: Einblicke in den Walzprozess durch die Anwendung der Finite Elemente Methode
Ragger, K., Kaiser, R., Paal, J., Fluch, R. & Buchmayr, B. 2014 in : Kalibreur. S. 28-41
Rolling Contact Fatigue of Three Crossing Nose Materials—Multiscale FE Approach
Pletz, M., Daves, W., Yao, W. & Ossberger, H. 15 Jun 2014 in : Wear. 314, 1–2, S. 69-77
Simulation of stress distribution in assembled silicon dies and deflection of printed circuit boards
Macurova, K., Angerer, P., Antretter, T., Bermejo Moratinos, R., Maia, W., Schöngrundner, R., Krivec, T., Morianz, M. & Brizoux, M. 2014 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical & Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems EuroSimE 2014. G.Q. Zhang, W.D. Van Driel, P. Rodgers, C. Bailey, O. de Saint Leger
Simulation of the roller straightening process with respect to residual stresses and the curvature trend
Kaiser, R., Hatzenbichler, T., Buchmayr, B. & Antretter, T. 2014 International Conference on Residual Stresses 9 (ICRS 9). S. 456-463
The Influence of Chemistry on the Kirkendall Effect during Grain Boundary Interdiffusion
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D., Klinger, L. & Rabkin, E. 2014 in : Philosophical magazine. 94, S. 3398-3412
The role of phase interface energy in martensitic transformation: A lattice Monte-Carlo simulation
Yastrebov, V. A., Fischlschweiger, M., Cailletaud, G. & Antretter, T. Mär 2014 in : Mechanics Research Communications. 56, S. 37-41
Thermodynamic Extremal Principles for Irreversible Processes in Materials Science
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J. & Petryk, H. 2014 in : Acta materialia. 67, S. 1-20
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Reactive Diffusion in Binary Systems
Svoboda, J., Stopka, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Computational materials science. 95, S. 309-315

Abnormal Grain Growth: A Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamic Model for Multi-Grain Binary Systems
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 22, S. 015013-1-015013-15
An Easy-to-Use Estimate of the Energy-Release Rate for Crack Arrays
Fischer, F. D., Predan, J. & Kienzler, R. 2014 in : Archive of applied mechanics : Ingenieur-Archiv. 84, S. 1325-1337
Application of the cyclic phase transformation concept for determining the effective austenite/ferrite interface mobility
Gamsjäger, E., Chen, H. & van der Zwaag, S. 2014 in : Computational materials science. 83, S. 92-100
Characterization and modeling of the AuSnCu thin solder joint under thermal cycling
Antretter, T., Otremba, R., Karunamurthy, B. & Pélisset, T. 2014 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical & Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems EuroSimE 2014. G.Q. Zhang, W.D. Van Driel, P. Rodgers, C. Bailey, O. de Saint Leger
Chemically Induced Fracturing in Alkali Feldspar
Scheidl, K. S., Schaeffer, A-K., Petrishcheva, E., Habler, G., Fischer, F. D., Schreuer, J. & Abart, R. 2014 in : Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 41, S. 1-16
Coherent Analysis of Disordered Mesoporous Adsorbents using Small Angle X-Ray Scattering and Physisorption Experiments
Stoeckel, D., Wallacher, D., Zickler, G., Perlich, J., Tallarek, U. & Smarsly, B. 2014 in : Physical chemistry, chemical physics : PCCP. 16, S. 6583-6592
Comparison of different methods for stress and deflection analysis in embedded die packages during the assembly process
Macurova, K., Bermejo Moratinos, R., Pletz, M., Schöngrundner, R., Antretter, T., Krivec, T., Morianz, M., Brizoux, M. & Lecavelier, A. 1 Jan 2014 Proceedings - 2014 47th International Symposium on Microelectronics, IMAPS 2014. IMAPS-International Microelectronics and Packaging Society, S. 355-360
Computational simulation of instability phenomena in nanoparticles and nanofilms
Todt, M., Toth, F., Hartmann, M., Holec, D., Cordill, M. J., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2014 in : Computational Technology Reviews. 10, S. 89-119
Critical assessment of the determination of residual stress profiles in thin films by means of the ion beam layer removal method
Schöngrundner, R., Treml, R., Antretter, T., Kozic, D., Ecker, W. & Kiener, D. 2014 in : Thin solid films. S. 321-330
Determination of cyclic mechanical properties of thin copper layers for PCB applications
Fellner, K., Fuchs, P. F., Antretter, T., Pinter, G. & Schöngrundner, R. 2014 Proceedings 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems. G.Q. Zhang, W.D. Van Driel, P. Rodgers, C. Bailey, O. de Saint Leger, S. 1-8
Determination of Depths of Multiple Traps for Interstitials and their Influence on Diffusion Kinetics
Svoboda, J., Shan, Y. V., Kozeschnik, E. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 22, S. 065015-1-16
Determination of Substitutional-Interstitial Interaction from Chemical Potentials of Interstitials in the Steel Matrix
Shan, Y. V., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Kozeschnik, E. Mai 2014 in : Advanced materials research. 922, S. 645-650
Diffusion of elements and vacancies in multi-component systems
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2014 in : Progress in materials science. 60, S. 338-367
Estimation of Thermodynamic Data of Metallic Nanoparticles Based on Bulk Values
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 Metal Nanopowders: Production, Characterization, and Energetic Applications. S. 1-24
Evaluation of the residual stress distribution in thin films by means of the ion beam layer removal method
Kozic, D., Treml, R., Schöngrundner, R., Brunner, R., Kiener, D., Antretter, T. & Gänser, H-P. 2014 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical & Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems EuroSimE 2014. Zhang, G. Q., Van Driel, W. D., Rodgers, P., Bailey, C. & de Saint Leger, O. (Hrsg.). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 6813785
Formation of Bubbles by Hydrogen Attack and Elastic-Plastic Deformation of the Matrix
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2014 in : International journal of plasticity. 63, S. 110-123
Generalization of the Lifshitz–Slyozov–Wagner Coarsening Theory to Non-dilute Multi-component Systems
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Acta materialia. 79, S. 304-314
Growth limit of carbon onions – A continuum mechanical study
Todt, M., Bitsche, R. D., Hartmann, M., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2014 in : International journal of solids and structures. 51, S. 706-715
Kinetics of the Austenite-to-Ferrite Phase Transformation - Simulations and Experiments
Gamsjäger, E., Werner, R., Schiller, W. & Buchmayr, B. 2014 in : Steel research international. S. 131-142
Method development for the cyclic characterization of thin copper layers for PCB applications
Fellner, K., Fuchs, P. F., Pinter, G., Antretter, T. & Krivec, T. 2014 in : Circuit World. 40, S. 53-60
Modelling of phase transformations and residual stress formation in hot-work tool steel components
Schemmel, M., Prevedel, P., Schöngrundner, R., Ecker, W. & Antretter, T. 2014 European Conference of Heat Treatment and 21st IFHTSE Congress. S. 285-292
Modelling the role of compositional fluctuations in nucleation kinetics
Ženíšek, J., Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 31 Jul 2014 in : Acta materialia. 91, S. 355-376
Phase transformations in steels - from in-situ experiments to thermodynamically based models
Gamsjäger, E.2014Proceedings of the 8th European continuous casting conference.S. 116-123
Pilgerwalzwerk: Einblicke in den Walzprozess durch die Anwendung der Finite Elemente Methode
Ragger, K., Kaiser, R., Paal, J., Fluch, R. & Buchmayr, B. 2014 in : Kalibreur. S. 28-41
Rolling Contact Fatigue of Three Crossing Nose Materials—Multiscale FE Approach
Pletz, M., Daves, W., Yao, W. & Ossberger, H. 15 Jun 2014 in : Wear. 314, 1–2, S. 69-77
Simulation of stress distribution in assembled silicon dies and deflection of printed circuit boards
Macurova, K., Angerer, P., Antretter, T., Bermejo Moratinos, R., Maia, W., Schöngrundner, R., Krivec, T., Morianz, M. & Brizoux, M. 2014 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical & Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems EuroSimE 2014. G.Q. Zhang, W.D. Van Driel, P. Rodgers, C. Bailey, O. de Saint Leger
Simulation of the roller straightening process with respect to residual stresses and the curvature trend
Kaiser, R., Hatzenbichler, T., Buchmayr, B. & Antretter, T. 2014 International Conference on Residual Stresses 9 (ICRS 9). S. 456-463
The Influence of Chemistry on the Kirkendall Effect during Grain Boundary Interdiffusion
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D., Klinger, L. & Rabkin, E. 2014 in : Philosophical magazine. 94, S. 3398-3412
The role of phase interface energy in martensitic transformation: A lattice Monte-Carlo simulation
Yastrebov, V. A., Fischlschweiger, M., Cailletaud, G. & Antretter, T. Mär 2014 in : Mechanics Research Communications. 56, S. 37-41
Thermodynamic Extremal Principles for Irreversible Processes in Materials Science
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J. & Petryk, H. 2014 in : Acta materialia. 67, S. 1-20
Two-Dimensional Simulation of Reactive Diffusion in Binary Systems
Svoboda, J., Stopka, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2014 in : Computational materials science. 95, S. 309-315


A New Computational Treatment of Reactive Diffusion in Binary Systems. / Svoboda, Jiri; Fischer, Franz Dieter.
 in: Computational materials science, Band 78, 2013, S. 39-46.
A new roughness parameter to evaluate the near-surface deformation in dry rolling/sliding contact. / Kubin, Wilhelm Klaus; Pletz, Martin; Daves, Werner; Scheriau, Stephan.
 in: Tribology International, Band 67, 2013, S. 132-139.
A Variational Approach to Grooving and Wetting. / Hackl, K.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Klevakina, K.; Renner, J.; Svoboda, J.
in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 1581-1591.
An Efficient Algorithm for Modeling the Thermo-Mechanical Material Response of Havy Steel Plates during Accelerated Cooling. / Eßl, Werner; Antretter, Thomas; Parteder, Erik.
 in: Key engineering materials, Band 554-557, 2013, S. 749-763.
Determination of Depths of Interstitial Traps from Thermodynamic Data – A New View on Carbon Trapping and Diffusion. / Svoboda, J.; Shan, Yao V.; Kozeschnik, E.; Fischer, Franz Dieter.
 in: Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, Band 21, 2013, S. 065012-1-15.
Diffusive and massive phase transformations in Ti-Al-Nb alloys - Modelling and experiments. / Gamsjäger, Ernst; Liu, Yuhong; Rester, Martin; Puschnig, Peter; Draxl, Claudia; Clemens, Helmut; Dehm, Gerhard; Fischer, Franz Dieter.
 in: Intermetallics, Band 38, 2013, S. 126-138.
Elastic Properties of Graphene Obtained by Computational Mechanical Tests. / Hartmann, Markus; Todt, Melanie; Rammerstorfer, Franz G.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Paris, Oskar.
 in: EPL (Europhysics Letters), Band 103, 2013, S. 68004-p1-68004-p6.
Elastoplastic Buckling as Source of Misinterpretation of Micropillar-Tests. / Daum, B.; Dehm, Gerhard; Clemens, Helmut; Rester, Martin; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Rammerstorfer, F.G.
in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 4996-5007.
Entwicklung und Test einer Methode zur Simulation des Gesteinsschneidens mit der Finiten Elemente Methode. / Mikl, Markus Johannes; Tichy, Richard; Ecker, Werner; Antretter, Thomas; Gimpel, Martin; Kargl, Hubert; Pittino, Gerhard; Galler, Robert.
 in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM, 2013, S. 507-513.
Formation of Multiple Stoichiometric Phases in Binary Systems by Combined Bulk and Grain Boundary Diffusion – Experiments and Model. / Fischer, Franz Dieter; Svoboda, Jiri; Schillinger, W.
in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 32-39.
In situ observation of austenite–ferrite interface migration in a lean Mn steel during cyclic partial phase transformations. / Chen, Hao; Gamsjäger, Ernst; Schider, Siegfried; Khanbareh, Hamideh; van der Zwaag, Sybrand.
 in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 2414-2424.
Influence of different microstructures of the welding zone on the fatigue crack growth behaviour of HSLA steels. / Maier, Bernd; Guster, Christoph; Tichy, Richard; Ecker, Werner.
 13th International Conference on Fracture - Abstract Book. 2013. S. 211-211.
In-situ Beobachtung von Phasenumandlungen in Stählen. / Schider, Siegfried; Gamsjäger, Ernst; Michelic, Susanne; Bernhard, Christian.
 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 45. 2013. S. 139-144.
Interstitial Diffusion in Systems with Multiple Sorts of Traps. / Fischer, Franz Dieter; Svoboda, Jiri; Kozeschnik, E.
in: Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, Band 21, 2013, S. 025008-1-13.
Maximum Dissipation Crystal Plasticity - an approach to select active slip systems. / Orthaber, Markus; Antretter, Thomas; Gänser, Hans-Peter.
 CM13: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Mechanics. 2013.
Modelling the role of surface stress on the kinetics of tissue growth in confined geometries. / Gamsjäger, Ernst; Bidan, Cecile M; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Fratzl, Peter; Dunlop, John W.
in: Acta biomaterialia, Band 9, 2013, S. 5531-5543.
Multi-physics simulation of the component attachment within embedding process. / Macurova, Katerina; Kharicha, A.; Pletz, M.; Mataln, M.; Bermejo, Raul; Schongrundner, R.; Krivec, T.; Antretter, T.; Maia, W.; Morianz, M.; Brizoux, M.
14th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2013. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2013. S. 1-6.
Numerical Simulations in the field of Geotechnics and Underground Engineering - Examples of Research and Development Projects. / Galler, Robert; Volderauer, Christian; Marcher, Thomas; Kargl, Hubert; Gimpel, Martin; Mikl, Markus; Ecker, Werner; Tichy, Richard; Antretter, Thomas; Gschwandtner, Gunter; Pittino, Gerhard; Entacher, Martin; Lorenz, Stefan; Schuller, Erik; Mödlhammer, Heiko.
 in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM, 2013, S. 189-197.
On the selection of active slip systems in rate independent crystal plasticity. / Orthaber, Markus; Antretter, Thomas; Gänser, Hans-Peter.
 in: Key engineering materials, Band 554-557, 2013, S. 1147-1156.
Physico-Chemical Basis for Water Actuated Movement and Stress Generation in Non Living Plant Tissues. / Bertinetti, L.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Fratzl, P.
in: Physical review letters, Band 111, 2013, S. 238001-1-5.
Role of Vacancies in Work Hardening and Fatigue of TiAl Alloys. / Appel, F.; Herrmann, D.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Svoboda, J.; Kozeschnik, E.
in: International journal of plasticity, Band 42, 2013, S. 83-100.
Some Examples for Advanced Numerical Solutions Pushing the Limits of Commercial Software. / Antretter, Thomas; Hasenhütl, Eva; Eßl, Werner; Hofmann, Arno; Ecker, Werner; Heiss, Christian; Galler, Robert; Parteder, Erik.
 in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM, 2013, S. 211-214.
Thermodynamic analysis of solubility data 1: phase diagrams of systems salt hydrate + water. / Gamsjäger, Heinz; Lorimer, John W; Gamsjäger, Ernst.
 in: Monatshefte für Chemie (Chemical monthly), Band 144, 2013, S. 103-112.
Thermodynamic Modeling of a Phase Transformation in Protein Filaments with Mechanical Function. / Fischer, Franz Dieter; Harrington, M.J.; Fratzl, P.
in: New journal of physics, Band 15, 2013, S. 065004-1-16.
Transformation hardening and kinetics for stress assisted and temperature driven transformation in steels. / Fischlschweiger, Michael; Antretter, Thomas; Cailletaud, Georges.
 in: Mechanics Research Communications, Band 47, 2013, S. 84-88.

A New Computational Treatment of Reactive Diffusion in Binary Systems. / Svoboda, Jiri; Fischer, Franz Dieter.
 in: Computational materials science, Band 78, 2013, S. 39-46.
A new roughness parameter to evaluate the near-surface deformation in dry rolling/sliding contact. / Kubin, Wilhelm Klaus; Pletz, Martin; Daves, Werner; Scheriau, Stephan.
 in: Tribology International, Band 67, 2013, S. 132-139.
A Variational Approach to Grooving and Wetting. / Hackl, K.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Klevakina, K.; Renner, J.; Svoboda, J.
in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 1581-1591.
An Efficient Algorithm for Modeling the Thermo-Mechanical Material Response of Havy Steel Plates during Accelerated Cooling. / Eßl, Werner; Antretter, Thomas; Parteder, Erik.
 in: Key engineering materials, Band 554-557, 2013, S. 749-763.
Determination of Depths of Interstitial Traps from Thermodynamic Data – A New View on Carbon Trapping and Diffusion. / Svoboda, J.; Shan, Yao V.; Kozeschnik, E.; Fischer, Franz Dieter.
 in: Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, Band 21, 2013, S. 065012-1-15.
Diffusive and massive phase transformations in Ti-Al-Nb alloys - Modelling and experiments. / Gamsjäger, Ernst; Liu, Yuhong; Rester, Martin; Puschnig, Peter; Draxl, Claudia; Clemens, Helmut; Dehm, Gerhard; Fischer, Franz Dieter.
 in: Intermetallics, Band 38, 2013, S. 126-138.
Elastic Properties of Graphene Obtained by Computational Mechanical Tests. / Hartmann, Markus; Todt, Melanie; Rammerstorfer, Franz G.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Paris, Oskar.
 in: EPL (Europhysics Letters), Band 103, 2013, S. 68004-p1-68004-p6.
Elastoplastic Buckling as Source of Misinterpretation of Micropillar-Tests. / Daum, B.; Dehm, Gerhard; Clemens, Helmut; Rester, Martin; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Rammerstorfer, F.G.
in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 4996-5007.
Entwicklung und Test einer Methode zur Simulation des Gesteinsschneidens mit der Finiten Elemente Methode. / Mikl, Markus Johannes; Tichy, Richard; Ecker, Werner; Antretter, Thomas; Gimpel, Martin; Kargl, Hubert; Pittino, Gerhard; Galler, Robert.
 in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM, 2013, S. 507-513.
Formation of Multiple Stoichiometric Phases in Binary Systems by Combined Bulk and Grain Boundary Diffusion – Experiments and Model. / Fischer, Franz Dieter; Svoboda, Jiri; Schillinger, W.
in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 32-39.
In situ observation of austenite–ferrite interface migration in a lean Mn steel during cyclic partial phase transformations. / Chen, Hao; Gamsjäger, Ernst; Schider, Siegfried; Khanbareh, Hamideh; van der Zwaag, Sybrand.
 in: Acta materialia, Band 61, 2013, S. 2414-2424.
Influence of different microstructures of the welding zone on the fatigue crack growth behaviour of HSLA steels. / Maier, Bernd; Guster, Christoph; Tichy, Richard; Ecker, Werner.
 13th International Conference on Fracture - Abstract Book. 2013. S. 211-211.
In-situ Beobachtung von Phasenumandlungen in Stählen. / Schider, Siegfried; Gamsjäger, Ernst; Michelic, Susanne; Bernhard, Christian.
 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 45. 2013. S. 139-144.
Interstitial Diffusion in Systems with Multiple Sorts of Traps. / Fischer, Franz Dieter; Svoboda, Jiri; Kozeschnik, E.
in: Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, Band 21, 2013, S. 025008-1-13.
Maximum Dissipation Crystal Plasticity - an approach to select active slip systems. / Orthaber, Markus; Antretter, Thomas; Gänser, Hans-Peter.
 CM13: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Mechanics. 2013.
Modelling the role of surface stress on the kinetics of tissue growth in confined geometries. / Gamsjäger, Ernst; Bidan, Cecile M; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Fratzl, Peter; Dunlop, John W.
in: Acta biomaterialia, Band 9, 2013, S. 5531-5543.
Multi-physics simulation of the component attachment within embedding process. / Macurova, Katerina; Kharicha, A.; Pletz, M.; Mataln, M.; Bermejo, Raul; Schongrundner, R.; Krivec, T.; Antretter, T.; Maia, W.; Morianz, M.; Brizoux, M.
14th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems, EuroSimE 2013. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2013. S. 1-6.
Numerical Simulations in the field of Geotechnics and Underground Engineering - Examples of Research and Development Projects. / Galler, Robert; Volderauer, Christian; Marcher, Thomas; Kargl, Hubert; Gimpel, Martin; Mikl, Markus; Ecker, Werner; Tichy, Richard; Antretter, Thomas; Gschwandtner, Gunter; Pittino, Gerhard; Entacher, Martin; Lorenz, Stefan; Schuller, Erik; Mödlhammer, Heiko.
 in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM, 2013, S. 189-197.
On the selection of active slip systems in rate independent crystal plasticity. / Orthaber, Markus; Antretter, Thomas; Gänser, Hans-Peter.
 in: Key engineering materials, Band 554-557, 2013, S. 1147-1156.
Physico-Chemical Basis for Water Actuated Movement and Stress Generation in Non Living Plant Tissues. / Bertinetti, L.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Fratzl, P.
in: Physical review letters, Band 111, 2013, S. 238001-1-5.
Role of Vacancies in Work Hardening and Fatigue of TiAl Alloys. / Appel, F.; Herrmann, D.; Fischer, Franz Dieter; Svoboda, J.; Kozeschnik, E.
in: International journal of plasticity, Band 42, 2013, S. 83-100.
Some Examples for Advanced Numerical Solutions Pushing the Limits of Commercial Software. / Antretter, Thomas; Hasenhütl, Eva; Eßl, Werner; Hofmann, Arno; Ecker, Werner; Heiss, Christian; Galler, Robert; Parteder, Erik.
 in: Berg- und hüttenmännische Monatshefte : BHM, 2013, S. 211-214.
Thermodynamic analysis of solubility data 1: phase diagrams of systems salt hydrate + water. / Gamsjäger, Heinz; Lorimer, John W; Gamsjäger, Ernst.
 in: Monatshefte für Chemie (Chemical monthly), Band 144, 2013, S. 103-112.
Thermodynamic Modeling of a Phase Transformation in Protein Filaments with Mechanical Function. / Fischer, Franz Dieter; Harrington, M.J.; Fratzl, P.
in: New journal of physics, Band 15, 2013, S. 065004-1-16.
Transformation hardening and kinetics for stress assisted and temperature driven transformation in steels. / Fischlschweiger, Michael; Antretter, Thomas; Cailletaud, Georges.
 in: Mechanics Research Communications, Band 47, 2013, S. 84-88.


A mean-field model for transformation induced plasticity including backstress effects for non-proportional loadings 
Fischlschweiger, M., Cailletaud, G. & Antretter, T. 2012 in : International journal of plasticity. S. 53-71 
A modern course in vibration of rods and beams 
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E. & Mataln, M. 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education 2012. S. 101-109
A statistical physics approach describing martensitic phase transformations
Oberaigner, E. & Leindl, M. 2012 "A statistical physics approach describing martensitic phase transformations" in Workshop: Mechanics of Materials. S. 931-934
Active slip systems in crystal plasticity and the principle of maximum dissipation
Orthaber, M., Antretter, T., Gänser, H-P. & Ecker, W. 2012 Proceeding of the 5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering. S. 36-41
Computational Treatment of the Stability of Multi-Layered Carbon Nanoparticles
Todt, M., Hartmann, M., Paris, O., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2012 Proc. IASS-IACM. S. 307-309
Convergence tests - Influence of modelling on the dynamic vibration behaviour of coaches
Böhler, E., Antretter, T., Magerl, F. & Rosenberger, M. 2012 Generation and Propagation of Sound in Solids and Fluids - Modern Analysis Methods in Acoustics. S. 1-9
Crystal orientation changes: a comparison of crystal plasticity finite element study and experimental results
Rehrl, C., Völker, B., Kleber, S., Antretter, T. & Pippan, R. 2012 in : Acta materialia. S. 2379-2386
Damage of basalt induced by microwave irradiation
Hartlieb, P., Leindl, M., Kuchar, F., Antretter, T. & Moser, P. 2012 in : Minerals engineering. S. 82-89
Derivation of the Phase Field Equations from the Thermodynamic Extremal Principle
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & McDowell, D. L. 2012 in : Acta materialia. 60, S. 396-406
Employment of OpenFoam in teaching and research
Mataln, M., Leindl, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education 2012. S. 541-548
Experimental and numerical investigation of damage due to thermo mechanical fatigue of brake disks for railway applications
Raninger, P., Ecker, W. & Antretter, T. 2012 Proceedings of 3rd Fatigue Symposium. S. 236-247
Experimental Na/K Exchange between Alkali Feldspar and an NaCl-KCl Salt Melt: Chemically Induced Fracturing and Element Partitioning
Neusser, G., Abart, R., Fischer, F. D., Harlov, D. & Norberg, N. 2012 in : Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. 164, S. 341-358
Finite Element Modeling of the Cyclic Wetting Mechanism in the Active Part of Wheat Awns
Zickler, G., Ruffoni, D., Dunlop, J. W. C., Elbaum, R., Weinkamer, R., Fratzl, P. & Antretter, T. 2012 in : Biointerphases. 7:42, 9 pages
Interaction of heat checks in aluminum pressure casting dies and their effect on fatigue life
Raninger, P., Ecker, W., Antretter, T., Leindl, M. & Ebner, R. 2012 in : Key engineering materials. 488-489, S. 626-629
Kinetics and rates of martensitic phase transformation based on statistical physics
Fischlschweiger, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2012 in : Computational materials science. S. 189-192
Macro-, Meso Scale Modeling of TRIP - Nonlinear Scale Transitions Rules
Antretter, T., Fischlschweiger, M. & Cailletaud, G. 2012 Non-Linear Response of Conventional & Advanced Materials, and Multi-scale Modeling. S. 97-99
Modeling the Role of Sources and Sinks for Vacancies on the Kinetics of Diffusive Phase Transformation in Binary Systems with Several Stoichiometric Phases
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Abart, R. 2012 in : Philosophical magazine : Letters. 92, S. 67-76
Modelling for Hydrogen Diffusion in Metals with Traps Revisited
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2012 in : Acta materialia. 60, S. 1211-1220
Modelling the Kinetics of a Triple Junction
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J. & Hackl, K. 2012 in : Acta materialia. 60, S. 4704-4711
Pseudoelastic Behavior of a Natural Material is Achieved Via Reversible Changes in Protein Backbone Conformation
Harrington, M. J., Wascko, S. S., Masic, A., Fischer, F. D., Gupta, H. S. & Fratzl, P. 2012 in : Interface. Journal of the Royal Society. 9, S. 2911-2922
Solution of a time-dependent heat conduction problem by an integral-equation approach
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E. & Antretter, T. 2012 in : Computational materials science. S. 178-181
Statistical physics concepts for the explanation of effects observed in martensitic transformations
Oberaigner, E. & Leindl, M. 2012 in : Smart materials and structures. 21, S. 094020-094020
Thermo-mechanical behaviour of dual-phase steels in various structural morphologies: Experiments and modelling
Buchmayr, B. & Antretter, T. 30 Jan 2012 Materials Science Forum. Band 706-709, S. 2072-2077 6 S. (Materials Science Forum; Band 706-709)

A mean-field model for transformation induced plasticity including backstress effects for non-proportional loadings 
Fischlschweiger, M., Cailletaud, G. & Antretter, T. 2012 in : International journal of plasticity. S. 53-71 
A modern course in vibration of rods and beams 
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E. & Mataln, M. 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education 2012. S. 101-109
A statistical physics approach describing martensitic phase transformations
Oberaigner, E. & Leindl, M. 2012 "A statistical physics approach describing martensitic phase transformations" in Workshop: Mechanics of Materials. S. 931-934
Active slip systems in crystal plasticity and the principle of maximum dissipation
Orthaber, M., Antretter, T., Gänser, H-P. & Ecker, W. 2012 Proceeding of the 5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering. S. 36-41
Computational Treatment of the Stability of Multi-Layered Carbon Nanoparticles
Todt, M., Hartmann, M., Paris, O., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2012 Proc. IASS-IACM. S. 307-309
Convergence tests - Influence of modelling on the dynamic vibration behaviour of coaches
Böhler, E., Antretter, T., Magerl, F. & Rosenberger, M. 2012 Generation and Propagation of Sound in Solids and Fluids - Modern Analysis Methods in Acoustics. S. 1-9
Crystal orientation changes: a comparison of crystal plasticity finite element study and experimental results
Rehrl, C., Völker, B., Kleber, S., Antretter, T. & Pippan, R. 2012 in : Acta materialia. S. 2379-2386
Damage of basalt induced by microwave irradiation
Hartlieb, P., Leindl, M., Kuchar, F., Antretter, T. & Moser, P. 2012 in : Minerals engineering. S. 82-89
Derivation of the Phase Field Equations from the Thermodynamic Extremal Principle
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & McDowell, D. L. 2012 in : Acta materialia. 60, S. 396-406
Employment of OpenFoam in teaching and research
Mataln, M., Leindl, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Education 2012. S. 541-548
Experimental and numerical investigation of damage due to thermo mechanical fatigue of brake disks for railway applications
Raninger, P., Ecker, W. & Antretter, T. 2012 Proceedings of 3rd Fatigue Symposium. S. 236-247
Experimental Na/K Exchange between Alkali Feldspar and an NaCl-KCl Salt Melt: Chemically Induced Fracturing and Element Partitioning
Neusser, G., Abart, R., Fischer, F. D., Harlov, D. & Norberg, N. 2012 in : Contributions to mineralogy and petrology. 164, S. 341-358
Finite Element Modeling of the Cyclic Wetting Mechanism in the Active Part of Wheat Awns
Zickler, G., Ruffoni, D., Dunlop, J. W. C., Elbaum, R., Weinkamer, R., Fratzl, P. & Antretter, T. 2012 in : Biointerphases. 7:42, 9 pages
Interaction of heat checks in aluminum pressure casting dies and their effect on fatigue life
Raninger, P., Ecker, W., Antretter, T., Leindl, M. & Ebner, R. 2012 in : Key engineering materials. 488-489, S. 626-629
Kinetics and rates of martensitic phase transformation based on statistical physics
Fischlschweiger, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2012 in : Computational materials science. S. 189-192
Macro-, Meso Scale Modeling of TRIP - Nonlinear Scale Transitions Rules
Antretter, T., Fischlschweiger, M. & Cailletaud, G. 2012 Non-Linear Response of Conventional & Advanced Materials, and Multi-scale Modeling. S. 97-99
Modeling the Role of Sources and Sinks for Vacancies on the Kinetics of Diffusive Phase Transformation in Binary Systems with Several Stoichiometric Phases
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Abart, R. 2012 in : Philosophical magazine : Letters. 92, S. 67-76
Modelling for Hydrogen Diffusion in Metals with Traps Revisited
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2012 in : Acta materialia. 60, S. 1211-1220
Modelling the Kinetics of a Triple Junction
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J. & Hackl, K. 2012 in : Acta materialia. 60, S. 4704-4711
Pseudoelastic Behavior of a Natural Material is Achieved Via Reversible Changes in Protein Backbone Conformation
Harrington, M. J., Wascko, S. S., Masic, A., Fischer, F. D., Gupta, H. S. & Fratzl, P. 2012 in : Interface. Journal of the Royal Society. 9, S. 2911-2922
Solution of a time-dependent heat conduction problem by an integral-equation approach
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E. & Antretter, T. 2012 in : Computational materials science. S. 178-181
Statistical physics concepts for the explanation of effects observed in martensitic transformations
Oberaigner, E. & Leindl, M. 2012 in : Smart materials and structures. 21, S. 094020-094020
Thermo-mechanical behaviour of dual-phase steels in various structural morphologies: Experiments and modelling
Buchmayr, B. & Antretter, T. 30 Jan 2012 Materials Science Forum. Band 706-709, S. 2072-2077 6 S. (Materials Science Forum; Band 706-709)


A mean field model for transformation induced plasticity including backstress effects
Cailletaud, G., Fischlschweiger, M. & Antretter, T. 2011 Compact Paper International Symposium on Plasticity 2011. S. 1-3
A methodology to study crystal plasticity inside a compression test sample based on image correlation and EBSD
Rehrl, C., Kleber, S., Antretter, T. & Pippan, R. 2011 in : Materials characterization. S. 793-800
A multi-block-spin approach for martensitic phase transformation based on statistical physics
Fischlschweiger, M., Oberaigner, E., Antretter, T. & Cailletaud, G. 2011 Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2011. S. 1-8
A phenomenological mean field model for coupling phase transformation with plasticity
Fischlschweiger, M., Cailletaud, G., Antretter, T. & Oberaigner, E. 2011 Advances in heterogeneous material mechanics ICHMM3. S. 738-745
A Possible Origin of Surface Cracks in Rails
Fischer, F. D. & Daves, W. 2011 in : Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Part F, Journal of rail and rapid transit). 225, 6, S. 605-611
A space-time concept for martensitic phase transformation based on statistical physics
Oberaigner, E. R., Fischlschweiger, M. & Antretter, T. 4 Mai 2011 The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Materials Forming: ESAFORM 2011. Menary, G. (Hrsg.). AIP, American Inst. of Physics, Band 1353, S. 97-102 6 S. (AIP conference proceedings; Band 1353)
A statistical mechanics approach describing martensitic phase transformation
Oberaigner, E. & Fischlschweiger, M. 2011 in : Mechanics of materials. 43, S. 467-475
A Study on the Principle of Maximum Dissipation for Coupled and Non-Coupled Non-Isothermal Processes in Materials
Hackl, K., Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 in : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London / A. 467, S. 1186-1196
Addendum to "A Study on the Principle of Maximum Dissipation for Coupled and Non-Coupled Non-Isothermal Processes in Materials
Hackl, K., Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 in : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London / A. 467, S. 2422-2426
ALEMI: A Ten-Year History of Discussions of Alloying-Element Interactions with Migrating Interfaces
Purdy, G., Agren, J., Borgenstam, A., Bréchet, Y., Enomoto, M., Furuhara, T., Gamsjäger, E., Gouné, M., Hillert, M., Hutchinson, C., Militzer, M. & Zurob, H. 2011 in : Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 42A, S. 3703-3718
Application of Photons and Neutrons for the Characterization and Development of Advanced Steels
Eidenberger, E., Schnitzer, R., Zickler, G., Schober, M., Bischof, M., Staron, P., Leitner, H., Schreyer, A. & Clemens, H. 2011 in : Advanced engineering materials. S. 664-673
Chemically and Mechanically Driven Creep Due to Generation and Annihilation of Vacancies with Non-ideal Sources and Sinks
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 in : International journal of plasticity. 27, S. 1384-1390
Continuum modeling of van der Waals interactions between carbon onion layers
Todt, M., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Fischer, F. D., Mayrhofer, P. H., Holec, D. & Hartmann, M. 2011 in : Carbon. 49, S. 1620-1627
Deformation Mechanisms in Micron-Sized PST-TiAl Compression Samples: Experiment and Model
Rester, M., Fischer, F. D., Kirchlechner, C., Schmölzer, T., Clemens, H. & Dehm, G. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 3410-3421
Diffusion Processes in a Migrating Interface – The Thick Interface Model
Svoboda, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F. D., Liu, Y. & Kozeschnik, E. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 4775-4786
Evolution Equations for Grain Growth and Coarsening, Chapter I
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 Evolution Equation. S. 5-60
Fluctuations, Bistability and Hysteresis Connected to Phase Transformations of Nanoparticles
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 in : Progress in materials science. 56, S. 1030-1076
Kinetics of Diffusive Phase Transformations: From Local Equilibrium to Mobility-Driven Migration of Thick Interfaces
Gamsjäger, E. 2011 in : Pure and Applied Chemistry. 83, S. 1105-1112
Martensitic Phase Transformations of Nanocrystalline NiTi Shape Memory Alloys Processed by Repeated Cold Rolling
Peterlechner, M., Waitz, T., Gammer, C. & Antretter, T. 2011 in : International journal of materials research : IJMR ; Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 102, S. 634-642
Modeling stress dependent hysteretic SMA behavior based on a block-spin-approach from statistical mechanics
Leindl, M., Fischlschweiger, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2011 Advances in heterogeneous material mechanics ICHMM3. S. 564-567
Modelling of Diffusive and Massive Phase Transformations in Binary Systems – Thick Interface Parametric Model
Svoboda, J. & Gamsjäger, E. 2011 in : International journal of materials research : IJMR ; Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 102, S. 666-673
Modelling of Excess Vacancy Annihilation at Different Types of Sinks
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., Appel, F. & Kozeschnik, E. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 3463-3472
Modelling of Reaction of Metallic Nanospheres with Gas
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials. S. 1028-1037
Modelling of the Influence of Sources and Sinks for Vacancies and Stress State on Diffusion in Crystalline Solids
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 1212-1219
Momentum spectra for dynamically assisted Schwinger pair production
Orthaber, M., Hebenstreit, F. & Alkofer, R. 2011 in : Physics letters / B. 698, S. 80-85
Multifunctional Shape Memory Alloys Processed by SPD
Waitz, T., Mangler, C., Steiner, G., Peterlechner, M., Antretter, T., Fischer, F. D. & Pranger, W. 2011 Proc. of the Int. Symp. On Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM). S. 1-10
Shell-models for multi-layer carbon nano-particles
Todt, M., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Hartmann, M., Paris, O. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 Shell-like structures. S. 585-602
Solution of a time-dependent heat conduction problem by an integral-equation approach
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E. & Antretter, T. 2011 in : Computational materials science. S. 178-181
Statistical Model for Ensembles of Nanoparticles Undergoing Phase Transformations
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 in : Journal of materials chemistry. 21, S. 11613-11617
Teaching Compressible Fluid Dynamics with the Help of a Computer Algebra System
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E., Schreiner, W. & Mataln, M. 2011 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering Education. S. 112-119
The cyclic elasto-viscoplastic behavior of a high-speed steel under forging conditions - experiments and simulation
Ishmurzin, A., Ecker, W., Krobath, M., Orthaber, M., Marsoner, S. & Antretter, T. 2011 in : Procedia engineering. 10, S. 1991-1996
The influence of filter material deformation on permeability and pressure loss
Mataln, M. & Boiger, G. 2011
International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration and Separation Technology, Proceedings L-sessions. S. 487-495
Thermodynamic Description of Niobium-Rich Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Liu, Y., Gamsjäger, E. & Clemens, H. 2011 in : International journal of materials research : IJMR ; Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 102, S. 692-696
Transient Solute Drag in Migrating Grain Boundaries
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Leindl, M. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 6556-6562

A mean field model for transformation induced plasticity including backstress effects
Cailletaud, G., Fischlschweiger, M. & Antretter, T. 2011 Compact Paper International Symposium on Plasticity 2011. S. 1-3
A methodology to study crystal plasticity inside a compression test sample based on image correlation and EBSD
Rehrl, C., Kleber, S., Antretter, T. & Pippan, R. 2011 in : Materials characterization. S. 793-800
A multi-block-spin approach for martensitic phase transformation based on statistical physics
Fischlschweiger, M., Oberaigner, E., Antretter, T. & Cailletaud, G. 2011 Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2011. S. 1-8
A phenomenological mean field model for coupling phase transformation with plasticity
Fischlschweiger, M., Cailletaud, G., Antretter, T. & Oberaigner, E. 2011 Advances in heterogeneous material mechanics ICHMM3. S. 738-745
A Possible Origin of Surface Cracks in Rails
Fischer, F. D. & Daves, W. 2011 in : Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Part F, Journal of rail and rapid transit). 225, 6, S. 605-611
A space-time concept for martensitic phase transformation based on statistical physics
Oberaigner, E. R., Fischlschweiger, M. & Antretter, T. 4 Mai 2011 The 14th International ESAFORM Conference on Materials Forming: ESAFORM 2011. Menary, G. (Hrsg.). AIP, American Inst. of Physics, Band 1353, S. 97-102 6 S. (AIP conference proceedings; Band 1353)
A statistical mechanics approach describing martensitic phase transformation
Oberaigner, E. & Fischlschweiger, M. 2011 in : Mechanics of materials. 43, S. 467-475
A Study on the Principle of Maximum Dissipation for Coupled and Non-Coupled Non-Isothermal Processes in Materials
Hackl, K., Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 in : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London / A. 467, S. 1186-1196
Addendum to "A Study on the Principle of Maximum Dissipation for Coupled and Non-Coupled Non-Isothermal Processes in Materials
Hackl, K., Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 in : Proceedings of the Royal Society of London / A. 467, S. 2422-2426
ALEMI: A Ten-Year History of Discussions of Alloying-Element Interactions with Migrating Interfaces
Purdy, G., Agren, J., Borgenstam, A., Bréchet, Y., Enomoto, M., Furuhara, T., Gamsjäger, E., Gouné, M., Hillert, M., Hutchinson, C., Militzer, M. & Zurob, H. 2011 in : Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 42A, S. 3703-3718
Application of Photons and Neutrons for the Characterization and Development of Advanced Steels
Eidenberger, E., Schnitzer, R., Zickler, G., Schober, M., Bischof, M., Staron, P., Leitner, H., Schreyer, A. & Clemens, H. 2011 in : Advanced engineering materials. S. 664-673
Chemically and Mechanically Driven Creep Due to Generation and Annihilation of Vacancies with Non-ideal Sources and Sinks
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 in : International journal of plasticity. 27, S. 1384-1390
Continuum modeling of van der Waals interactions between carbon onion layers
Todt, M., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Fischer, F. D., Mayrhofer, P. H., Holec, D. & Hartmann, M. 2011 in : Carbon. 49, S. 1620-1627
Deformation Mechanisms in Micron-Sized PST-TiAl Compression Samples: Experiment and Model
Rester, M., Fischer, F. D., Kirchlechner, C., Schmölzer, T., Clemens, H. & Dehm, G. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 3410-3421
Diffusion Processes in a Migrating Interface – The Thick Interface Model
Svoboda, J., Gamsjäger, E., Fischer, F. D., Liu, Y. & Kozeschnik, E. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 4775-4786
Evolution Equations for Grain Growth and Coarsening, Chapter I
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 Evolution Equation. S. 5-60
Fluctuations, Bistability and Hysteresis Connected to Phase Transformations of Nanoparticles
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 in : Progress in materials science. 56, S. 1030-1076
Kinetics of Diffusive Phase Transformations: From Local Equilibrium to Mobility-Driven Migration of Thick Interfaces
Gamsjäger, E. 2011 in : Pure and Applied Chemistry. 83, S. 1105-1112
Martensitic Phase Transformations of Nanocrystalline NiTi Shape Memory Alloys Processed by Repeated Cold Rolling
Peterlechner, M., Waitz, T., Gammer, C. & Antretter, T. 2011 in : International journal of materials research : IJMR ; Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 102, S. 634-642
Modeling stress dependent hysteretic SMA behavior based on a block-spin-approach from statistical mechanics
Leindl, M., Fischlschweiger, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2011 Advances in heterogeneous material mechanics ICHMM3. S. 564-567
Modelling of Diffusive and Massive Phase Transformations in Binary Systems – Thick Interface Parametric Model
Svoboda, J. & Gamsjäger, E. 2011 in : International journal of materials research : IJMR ; Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 102, S. 666-673
Modelling of Excess Vacancy Annihilation at Different Types of Sinks
Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J., Appel, F. & Kozeschnik, E. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 3463-3472
Modelling of Reaction of Metallic Nanospheres with Gas
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2011 Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials. S. 1028-1037
Modelling of the Influence of Sources and Sinks for Vacancies and Stress State on Diffusion in Crystalline Solids
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 1212-1219
Momentum spectra for dynamically assisted Schwinger pair production
Orthaber, M., Hebenstreit, F. & Alkofer, R. 2011 in : Physics letters / B. 698, S. 80-85
Multifunctional Shape Memory Alloys Processed by SPD
Waitz, T., Mangler, C., Steiner, G., Peterlechner, M., Antretter, T., Fischer, F. D. & Pranger, W. 2011 Proc. of the Int. Symp. On Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM). S. 1-10
Shell-models for multi-layer carbon nano-particles
Todt, M., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Hartmann, M., Paris, O. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 Shell-like structures. S. 585-602
Solution of a time-dependent heat conduction problem by an integral-equation approach
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E. & Antretter, T. 2011 in : Computational materials science. S. 178-181
Statistical Model for Ensembles of Nanoparticles Undergoing Phase Transformations
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2011 in : Journal of materials chemistry. 21, S. 11613-11617
Teaching Compressible Fluid Dynamics with the Help of a Computer Algebra System
Leindl, M., Oberaigner, E., Schreiner, W. & Mataln, M. 2011 Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering Education. S. 112-119
The cyclic elasto-viscoplastic behavior of a high-speed steel under forging conditions - experiments and simulation
Ishmurzin, A., Ecker, W., Krobath, M., Orthaber, M., Marsoner, S. & Antretter, T. 2011 in : Procedia engineering. 10, S. 1991-1996
The influence of filter material deformation on permeability and pressure loss
Mataln, M. & Boiger, G. 2011
International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration and Separation Technology, Proceedings L-sessions. S. 487-495
Thermodynamic Description of Niobium-Rich Gamma-TiAl Alloys
Liu, Y., Gamsjäger, E. & Clemens, H. 2011 in : International journal of materials research : IJMR ; Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. 102, S. 692-696
Transient Solute Drag in Migrating Grain Boundaries
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Leindl, M. 2011 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 6556-6562

A Kinetik Model of the Transformation of a Micropatterned Amorphous Precursor into a Potous Single Crystal
Fratzl, P., Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J. & Aizenberg, J. 2010 in : Acta biomaterialia. 6, S. 1001-1005
A Novel Polynomial Criterion and Algorithm for Twin Primes
Oberaigner, E. & Fischlschweiger, M. 2010 Short Communications International Congress of Mathematicians. S. 87-88
A theoretical model for tissue growth in confined geometries
Dunlop, J. W. C., Fischer, F. D., Gamsjäger, E. & Fratzl, P. 2010 in : Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 58, S. 1073-1087
Adsorption in periodically ordered mesoporous organosilica materials studied by in-situ small-angle X-ray scattering and small-angle neutron scattering
Mascotto, S., Wallacher, D., Kuschel, A., Polarz, S., Zickler, G., Timmann, A. & Smarsly, B. 2010 in : Langmuir. 26, S. 6583-6592
An Integral-equation Approach to Solve Time-dependent Heat Conduction Problems
Oberaigner, E., Leindl, M. & Antretter, T. 2010 International Congress of Mathematics, Abstracts, Short Communications, Posters. S. 723-724
Curvature-induces excess surface energy of fullerenes: Density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations
Holec, D., Hartmann, M., Fischer, F. D., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Mayrhofer, P. H. & Paris, O. 2010 in : Physical review : B, Condensed matter and materials physics. S. 2354031-23540310
Kinetics of Precipitation in a Complex Hot-Work Tool Steel
Sonderegger, B., Kozeschnik, E., Leitner, H., Clemens, H., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Staron, P. 2010 in : Steel research international. 81, S. 64-73
Mean-Field Model for the Growth and Coarsening of Stoichimetric Precipitates at Grain Boundaries
Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J., Radis, R. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 18, S. 015011-1-19
Model for Coarsening of Intergranular Precipitates in Multicomponent Systems
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Scripta materialia. 62, S. 754-757
Modelling of Diffusional Phase Transformation in Multi-Component Systems with Stoichiometric Phases
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Abart, R. 2010 in : Acta materialia. 58, S. 2905-2911
Modelling Transformation Induced Plasticity – An Application to Heavy Steel Plates
Antretter, T., Zhang, D. & Parteder, E. 2010 in : Steel research international. 81, S. 675-680
Nanomechanical Studies of the Compressive Behavior of Carbon Fibers
Todt, M., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Paris, O. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Journal of materials science. 45, S. 6845-6848
Numerical simulation of the simultaneous precipitation of delta and gamma prime phases in the Ni-base superalloy ATI Allvac 718 Plus
Radis, R., Zickler, G., Stockinger, M., Sommitsch, C. & Kozeschnik, E. 2010 Numerical simulation of the simultaneous precipitation of delta and gamma prime phases in the Ni-base superalloy ATI Allvac 718 Plus. S. 569-578
Phase fractions, transition and ordering temperatures in TiAl-Nb-Mo alloys: An in- and ex-situ study
Schmölzer, T., Liss, K-D., Zickler, G., Watson, I. J., Droessler, L., Wallgram, W., Buslaps, T., Studer, A. & Clemens, H. 2010 in : Intermetallics. S. 1544-1552
Phase Transformations of Nanoparticles Exposed to Hydrostatic Pressure
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Journal of nanoparticle research. 12, S. 1859-1868
Phase Transition and Ordering Temperatures of TiAl-Mo Alloys Investigated by In-Situ Diffraction Experiments
Schmölzer, T., Mayer, S., Haupt, F., Zickler, G., Sailer, C., Lottermoser, L., Güther, V., Liss, K-D. & Clemens, H. 2010 in : Materials science forum. S. 456-459
Stability of Rod-Shaped Nanoparticles Embedded in an Elastic Matrix
Daxner, T., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2010 in : Philosophical magazine. 90, S. 2027-2048
Stress Development During Reaction of Metallic Nanospheres with Gas
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 61-67
Stresses in Hollow Nanoparticles
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2010 in : International journal of solids and structures. 47, S. 2799-2805
Substitutional Diffusion in Multicomponent Solids with Non-Ideal Sources and Sinks for Vacancies
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2010 in : Acta materialia. 58, S. 2698-2707
Temperature fields in particles and in their environment due to sudden phase transformations
Fischer, F. D., Leindl, M., Dirschmid, H., Vollath, D. & Clemens, H. 2010 in : Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM : Journal of Applied mathematics and mechanics). S. 641-650
The Precipitation Behavior of Superalloy ATI Allvac 718Plus
Zickler, G., Radis, R., Schnitzer, R., Kozeschnik, E., Stockinger, M. & Leitner, H. 2010 in : Advanced engineering materials. S. 176-183
Valuable mathematical tools in engineering education
Leindl, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2010 ICEE 2010 Proceedings. S. 1161-1168

A Kinetik Model of the Transformation of a Micropatterned Amorphous Precursor into a Potous Single Crystal
Fratzl, P., Fischer, F. D., Svoboda, J. & Aizenberg, J. 2010 in : Acta biomaterialia. 6, S. 1001-1005
A Novel Polynomial Criterion and Algorithm for Twin Primes
Oberaigner, E. & Fischlschweiger, M. 2010 Short Communications International Congress of Mathematicians. S. 87-88
A theoretical model for tissue growth in confined geometries
Dunlop, J. W. C., Fischer, F. D., Gamsjäger, E. & Fratzl, P. 2010 in : Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 58, S. 1073-1087
Adsorption in periodically ordered mesoporous organosilica materials studied by in-situ small-angle X-ray scattering and small-angle neutron scattering
Mascotto, S., Wallacher, D., Kuschel, A., Polarz, S., Zickler, G., Timmann, A. & Smarsly, B. 2010 in : Langmuir. 26, S. 6583-6592
An Integral-equation Approach to Solve Time-dependent Heat Conduction Problems
Oberaigner, E., Leindl, M. & Antretter, T. 2010 International Congress of Mathematics, Abstracts, Short Communications, Posters. S. 723-724
Curvature-induces excess surface energy of fullerenes: Density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations
Holec, D., Hartmann, M., Fischer, F. D., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Mayrhofer, P. H. & Paris, O. 2010 in : Physical review : B, Condensed matter and materials physics. S. 2354031-23540310
Kinetics of Precipitation in a Complex Hot-Work Tool Steel
Sonderegger, B., Kozeschnik, E., Leitner, H., Clemens, H., Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Staron, P. 2010 in : Steel research international. 81, S. 64-73
Mean-Field Model for the Growth and Coarsening of Stoichimetric Precipitates at Grain Boundaries
Kozeschnik, E., Svoboda, J., Radis, R. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering. 18, S. 015011-1-19
Model for Coarsening of Intergranular Precipitates in Multicomponent Systems
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Scripta materialia. 62, S. 754-757
Modelling of Diffusional Phase Transformation in Multi-Component Systems with Stoichiometric Phases
Svoboda, J., Fischer, F. D. & Abart, R. 2010 in : Acta materialia. 58, S. 2905-2911
Modelling Transformation Induced Plasticity – An Application to Heavy Steel Plates
Antretter, T., Zhang, D. & Parteder, E. 2010 in : Steel research international. 81, S. 675-680
Nanomechanical Studies of the Compressive Behavior of Carbon Fibers
Todt, M., Rammerstorfer, F. G., Paris, O. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Journal of materials science. 45, S. 6845-6848
Numerical simulation of the simultaneous precipitation of delta and gamma prime phases in the Ni-base superalloy ATI Allvac 718 Plus
Radis, R., Zickler, G., Stockinger, M., Sommitsch, C. & Kozeschnik, E. 2010 Numerical simulation of the simultaneous precipitation of delta and gamma prime phases in the Ni-base superalloy ATI Allvac 718 Plus. S. 569-578
Phase fractions, transition and ordering temperatures in TiAl-Nb-Mo alloys: An in- and ex-situ study
Schmölzer, T., Liss, K-D., Zickler, G., Watson, I. J., Droessler, L., Wallgram, W., Buslaps, T., Studer, A. & Clemens, H. 2010 in : Intermetallics. S. 1544-1552
Phase Transformations of Nanoparticles Exposed to Hydrostatic Pressure
Vollath, D. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Journal of nanoparticle research. 12, S. 1859-1868
Phase Transition and Ordering Temperatures of TiAl-Mo Alloys Investigated by In-Situ Diffraction Experiments
Schmölzer, T., Mayer, S., Haupt, F., Zickler, G., Sailer, C., Lottermoser, L., Güther, V., Liss, K-D. & Clemens, H. 2010 in : Materials science forum. S. 456-459
Stability of Rod-Shaped Nanoparticles Embedded in an Elastic Matrix
Daxner, T., Fischer, F. D. & Rammerstorfer, F. G. 2010 in : Philosophical magazine. 90, S. 2027-2048
Stress Development During Reaction of Metallic Nanospheres with Gas
Svoboda, J. & Fischer, F. D. 2010 in : Acta materialia. 59, S. 61-67
Stresses in Hollow Nanoparticles
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2010 in : International journal of solids and structures. 47, S. 2799-2805
Substitutional Diffusion in Multicomponent Solids with Non-Ideal Sources and Sinks for Vacancies
Fischer, F. D. & Svoboda, J. 2010 in : Acta materialia. 58, S. 2698-2707
Temperature fields in particles and in their environment due to sudden phase transformations
Fischer, F. D., Leindl, M., Dirschmid, H., Vollath, D. & Clemens, H. 2010 in : Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM : Journal of Applied mathematics and mechanics). S. 641-650
The Precipitation Behavior of Superalloy ATI Allvac 718Plus
Zickler, G., Radis, R., Schnitzer, R., Kozeschnik, E., Stockinger, M. & Leitner, H. 2010 in : Advanced engineering materials. S. 176-183
Valuable mathematical tools in engineering education
Leindl, M. & Oberaigner, E. 2010 ICEE 2010 Proceedings. S. 1161-1168